DS played with a train table at a friend's house and liked it. Most of the boxes say 3 years. Is it too old for him. I also think it will be $$$ with the table, tracks, trains, drawers for underneath, etc
I think we're getting one for Jack for a birthday or Christmas present and he'll be 2 on December 19. He's played with them at B&N and other stores and has had a blast.
Re: train table for 2nd birthday or wait till 3
This is the one we have- awesome deal for 150! I would opt for doing it at 2 years old!
Mum to Owen and Lucas
I got one for DS at about 22 months, and he uses it daily! I got the KidKraft brand from Amazon (Happymothers dot com was the actual store).
We have the kid kraft set/tracks, but have added some Thomas trains, too, since they are compatible.