Pregnant after 35

39 weeks appt. -Induction Date Set :/

Hey Ladies; 

Due to my GD, my doctors(OB and Maternal Fetal Medicine) do not want me to go pass my due date (8/23). As of yesterday, LO is measuring 8lbs.  However, my cervix is still long and closed. LO head is still very high.  My doctors agreed that with the baby's size at this time, it would be best trying labor and delivering vaginally at this point to avoid a c-section.

As of next tuesday, if my cervix is still closed. My doctors plan on starting the induction process.  So it is looking like I will be meeting LO next week. I will be doing a lot of walking between now and then to help move this process along naturally. I will keep you ladies posted. Send lots of labor dust my way.

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Re: 39 weeks appt. -Induction Date Set :/

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    We have the same due date!  My cervix is still closed and baby is super high as well.  I am completely dreading an induction, but my doctors will give me a little more time. 

    I hope we both go into labor on our own ASAP! 

    DH has a softball tournament on Saturday, but after that I'm going to start trying all of the old wives tales to move the baby along - walking, sex, accupressure, eggplant parmesan, labor cookies, you name it!  I figure that they can't hurt.

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    We have the same due date!  My cervix is still closed and baby is super high as well.  I am completely dreading an induction, but my doctors will give me a little more time. 

    I hope we both go into labor on our own ASAP! 

    DH has a softball tournament on Saturday, but after that I'm going to start trying all of the old wives tales to move the baby along - walking, sex, accupressure, eggplant parmesan, labor cookies, you name it!  I figure that they can't hurt.

    Alliapistor, Due Date Buddy!!! I am going to get on all the old wise tales too..LOL!!. I am going to have eggplant parmesan for lunch today! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers/Users/udeozo/Desktop/MS30.jpg
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    We have the same due date!  My cervix is still closed and baby is super high as well.  I am completely dreading an induction, but my doctors will give me a little more time. 

    I hope we both go into labor on our own ASAP! 

    DH has a softball tournament on Saturday, but after that I'm going to start trying all of the old wives tales to move the baby along - walking, sex, accupressure, eggplant parmesan, labor cookies, you name it!  I figure that they can't hurt.

    Alliapistor, Due Date Buddy!!! I am going to get on all the old wise tales too..LOL!!. I am going to have eggplant parmesan for lunch today! 

    Will be thinking of you both!!!!  GL and I really hope you go into labor on your own! 

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    Lots of labor dust headed your way! How exciting, you will be meeting your LO soon. Wishing you an easy delivery!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    Oooh, good luck!  I hope you have some good progress before you go in!
    You are likely to be eaten by a grue. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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    How exciting!!!! Can't wait to see some more baby pics.  Sending tons of labor dust. 
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    Thanks Ladies!!! I am so excited, nervous, anxious, & scared all at the same time!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers/Users/udeozo/Desktop/MS30.jpg
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