I had an ultrasound at 10w due to some spotting I had. That's when we found out there were 2 babies. I had to change doctor's because the 1st one I was seeing doesn't deliver twins. So the old doctor didn't forward my records to the new doctor before my appt. last week so the new doctor scheduled another ultrasound so she could have the high risk doctors take a look at the ultrasound themselves. She asked about them being in 2 sacs which I told her they did mention at the 1st ultrasound that they were each in their own sac, but I'm not opposed to another ultrasound. My mom is here from out of town so she's coming too. I can't wait to see the twins again. I just hope I don't have to have another transvaginal, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Re: 2nd ultrasound tomorrow
Awww....enjoy seeing your little beans!
Not sure whether you'll get the vag u/s or not. Mine at 8wks was transvaginal (both DH and my mom were there, I'm not really shy) and didn't get another u/s until 17 wks, which was abdominal. We had both sets of parents there for that one, so I def confirmed ahead of time that it would be abdominal!
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
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