
Those with helmets/bands...

Tomorrow is our appt for Brandon's helmet casting. Being the genius I am, I searched online for a video of a casting to know what to expect and now I'm nervous. There's no way he's going to sit still for this... Approx how long does it take? Thanks!
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Re: Those with helmets/bands...

  • At cranial tech they have cameras set up at 16 angles or so and once they take the picture, a computer pieces it together to give a 3D image.  So basically he didn't really have to sit still since it was all digital.   He had to sit for a couple minutes while they made sure they got images they needed, but they were entertaining him the whole time.   It wasn't a big deal at all. 
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  • I really wish there was a cranial tech near me. Unfortunately, our local ortho does casting still.
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  • We didn't do casting. They put a "sock" on his head. And used a sort of scanner and it only took a few min. I hope it goes well. We have had ours for 12 weeks. They dint mind them very much.
    Wonderful daughter born 10/99. Diagnosed autistic/ epileptic. Non- verbal. /////Twins! Born 11/10 @ 29 weeks. 71/2 week NICU stay! Bring on the fun!
  • * sorry for the spelling errors
    Wonderful daughter born 10/99. Diagnosed autistic/ epileptic. Non- verbal. /////Twins! Born 11/10 @ 29 weeks. 71/2 week NICU stay! Bring on the fun!
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