Pregnant after 35

NT scan today - all went well

We had our NT scan today and everything looks great. We have a little wiggly baby with a 146 heartbeat.  We were able to do the measurements and got a NT number of 1.3mm (not sure I phrased this correctly) with a nasal bone present.  So, while I'm not completely relaxed, I am looking forward to the second trimester!

Re: NT scan today - all went well

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    Yey!! so glad the results are good and can put you more at ease. Good luck heading into 2nd tri. You're almost there!
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    That's great!!! I'm glad you finally feel confident enough to put up a ticker!
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    Yay for a good scan!  That's a great number any way you phrase it :)
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    Congratulations!!  I know what a relief it is to get there.  Hope you have a more relaxing time these next few months.  Trust me it will go by very quickly.
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    Congratulations!  What a relief =)
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    Congrats!  So glad to hear that all went well :)
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