Pregnant after 35

For those of you not coloring your hair...

I picked this up at Sephora, and just wanted to rave about what a fantastic product it is.

Eventually I'll have more gray hair than I'll be able to cover with this spray, but for now, especially while I am not sharing my pregnancy with anyone, it is a godsend.

Also, fyi, I suggest going to Sephora and trying the colors.  I have medium brown hair, and i went with the light brown shade.

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Re: For those of you not coloring your hair...

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    Thanks for this!  I'm definitely showing my pregnancy now but I've been wanting to find something to conceal roots between colorings.  This looks really easy to use.
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    Oh my goodness...this is brilliant.  I've been using a natural vegetable hair color that I get at the natural food store, but in between colorings, this would be a lifesaver!  I can't remember the brand of the hair color... Nature...something from Spain.  Blooming pregnancy brain strikes again. Lol!
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    I need to get that and FAST! Thanks for sharing ... and damn, why didn't I think of this idea!!! Lol
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