Hi all,
DS is Nathan. We have a short list of girls' names, and I would love your input:
Abigail (my favorite, DH is "meh" about it)
Natalie (DH's favorite. I really like it too, but think it might be to matchy with Nathan)
Catherine (We both like this, but Nate and Cate might be too cutesy)
Julia (we both like, but don't love this one)
Thoughts? TIA!
Re: Sibset input?
I like Catherine and Julia the best.
Does Nathan go by Nate? If so, yeah, I'd avoid Cate. But... she could be Catie or just Catherine. If he is usually Nathan, then I don't think there is an issue.
Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
In order of preference:
I don't like Julia.
I like Natalie best, but I agree that it might be too matchy with Nathan. I like Catherine second-best, but you've got a good point with Nate and Cate...
Julia is just barely "eh" for me, and I completely despise Abigail, but either one works great with Nathan.
Julia is probably your best bet since you both like it equally.
Abigail is my favorite and think overall would go well w/Nathan.
I like Catherine, but yes, if you call DS Nate, I'd avoid this cause DD would inevitably become Cate, and that is too much IMO.
Natalie I agree too matchy and Julia just NMS
1) the names are too match-y
3) you name one kid something like Nathan and the other something like "Rockstar Napoleon"
sibsets are a total non-issue for me and, frankly, something people can overthink...
So Nate and Cate are right out. Natalie and Nathan is pushing it, but acceptable, and Abigail and Julia are fantastic. However, if you really adore Cat or Natalie, I wouldn't not go for it just because it'd be slightly twee. When it comes down to it, siblings rarely go as a pair/group except in family situations, where no one will care...
*BFP 10/15/11*CP 10/18/11*
*BFP 2/1/12*EDD 10/14/12*natural M/C 2/24/12 7w*
*BFP 5/2/12*E born 01/03/13 (her due date)