Pregnant after 35

On the road to juvenile delinquency?

So tired today that I had a half a cup of black tea at 6 am and then a can of regular Coke at 1:30pm. 

Now I'm convinced that I've caused my baby girl to become a member of the Jersey Shore cast of 2033 or any Bravo show taking place in 2042.

Go ahead, flame away....Embarrassed

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Re: On the road to juvenile delinquency?

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    One of my twins only goes crazy kicking/moving when I'm working in district court (where they deal with felony cases).  I'm guessing he'll go into law, law enforcement, or a life of crime Wink  
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    No flame from me. With all of my other kids I drank coffee in the morning and a can of Coke in the afternoon. This one was the only one who gave me problems with coffee. I got sick every time I would drink it. I figured the extra morning sickness wasn't worth it.


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    I have one cup of coffee everyday, but i started it at about 28 wks, had enough of decaf.....
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    I have a small cup of coffee every day. I am trying to ween myself though. I used to drink so much more than that (before pregnancy). I think I may switch to decaf here soon. Take it easy, I am sure that the JS is no where in your future!
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    I've put in a call to child services Wink

    I have had caffeine every day of this pregnancy. And every day of my last pregnancy.

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    tsk, tsk ... how can you live with yourself ????



    j/k ... i drink 1 cup of regular coffee each morning, and usually in the afternoon i have a decaf, or a can of coke or a snapple tea.  not a biggie. 

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    I'm also starting my day with a large, milky iced coffee.  Every day. And often there is some chocolate or iced tea consumed in the afternoon or evening.

    I did the research at the beginning of my pregnancy and couldn't find any evidence to show that I should cut out caffeine entirely.  So I didn't.  

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