Anyone interested in some FFS boys clothes? I have 0-3 months to about 2/3 years. We got SOOO many hand me downs and we'll never use them all. I was thinking of trying to sell them but clothes don't seem to go quickly on Spots and I need them out of my house. I was thinking of getting some of the $10 flat rate boxes, getting an idea of what someone might be interested (size, season) and just sending along whatever I can squeeze into the box. I usually just toss stuff in those drop boxes but I'd love to know that the items are going to someone specific who can use them.
*as of now I have mostly summer clothes left. A few 6-9 9-12 and a bunch of 12-18 and 18-24.
*these will probably be heading out in the mail tomorrow or thursday.
Email me if you are interested.