Pregnant after 35

Stress and Labor question (a lil bit longish)

So the past few weeks have been rather stressful for me as I've bumped about previously.  Had a lovely shower, but lost a family friend who was like a g'ma to me as she was killed on her way to it.  Went to her funeral and her niece told me they had to re-wrap the gift because of the blood on the wrapping. Crying  I nearly sobbed when she said that, but I knew that if I started with my hormones I wouldn't stop crying for days.  Luckily none got on the quilt, but it was so heartbreaking.

I've also been dealing with having pre-term labor since July 2nd from a bad infection.  After 3 rounds of antibiotics to clear it up, the contractions went from regular and timeable (3-4 min and changing my cervix) to irregular which is really a good sign.  And baby is finally considered full-term, but I'd like him to stay put till his EDD at least.

On to my question dialation has been progressing...thankfully very slowly (now that the infection is under control), but this last time my dr mentioned that my cervix was high up this last time.  She hadn't mentioned that in all the other times she's had to check my dialation, etc...  I got to thinking about it, but it's left me more confused and I can't find info on it.  I should mention I would just ask her, but she's on vacation now for a week.  >.<  **facepalms**

Does this mean my labor is progressing or that its possibly regressing due to stress.  I've heard of stress causing baby to stay in longer or even as a possible cause of babies coming after their EDD.  So which do you think it is?  I'm stumped and would welcome your views on this!  Ironically its good that he's staying put, but I'm worried that this might mean he's coming early now.  I just can't stop worrying I suppose.  Argh!

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Re: Stress and Labor question (a lil bit longish)

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    I am so sorry!  The loss of your friend must have been an awful shock.

    I was high up, my doctor told me in a tone that indicated lower was closer to labor.  I have no idea if it's true.  From your ticker it looks like you're term, now, though, so at least there's that!  Good luck! 



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    I think as you get closer they start telling you more of the stats. So you probably were like that they just didn't mention it.  I don't know about high cervix but I now the thinner it gets the closer to labor. I walked around I think 3 CM dilated for 3 weeks before having DS. Good luck you and the baby would be fine should you deliver before the due date. They are just estimates the babies let us know when they are done. :-) Good luck!
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    Thanks so much for posting ladies!  I guess I was just worried about it because she said it like it was a suprise.  I'm not too too worried now that baby's full term and head down.  Mainlly just well...confused.  They had said I was 50% effaced and 1.5cm dialated previously.  I know that doesn't mean I'll go into labor anytime soon, but the 'high cervix' comment kinda threw me.  My pregnancy brain struck right then and I didn't even think to ask what that meant!  >.<
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