My boy has a bit of a rash on his bum and inner thighs that hasn't gone away (but has gotten better, then worse again) over the past few days. I use a tiny bit of cloth diaper safe ointment on it. I did the worst thing possible and looked it up on google - now I think it might be yeast rash. If it is, how do I know for sure? And also, what can i get to put on it? FWIW, he isn't bothered by it/it doesn't hurt him when I touch it. Thanks!
Re: How do I know if it's yeast?
It is raised and is in colonies (patches).
If you even think it might be yeast and you are BFing I'd get into the OB and pedi asap. You don't want thrush.
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)