Cloth Diapering

How do I know if it's yeast?

My boy has a bit of a rash on his bum and inner thighs that hasn't gone away (but has gotten better, then worse again) over the past few days. I use a tiny bit of cloth diaper safe ointment on it. I did the worst thing possible and looked it up on google - now I think it might be yeast rash. If it is, how do I know for sure? And also, what can i get to put on it? FWIW, he isn't bothered by it/it doesn't hurt him when I touch it. Thanks!

Re: How do I know if it's yeast?

  • Have you tried putting a non-CD safe cream on it to see what happens? Try that with a fleece liner or just in a disposable for a day or two. If it clears up, then it was just regular rash. If it doesn't budge, then you might have yeast. I would call the ped for confirmation and get a prescription cream. When we had yeast, I tried all the "natural" remedies but nothing touched it except for the script. Believe me, you don't want to mess around with yeast beasts for longer than you need to.
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  • It is raised and is in colonies (patches).

    If you even think it might be yeast and you are BFing I'd get into the OB and pedi asap.  You don't want thrush.  

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  • My pedi called it angry red dots, which is exactly what it looks like. I have no idea if it is cloth safe(we were still using sposies) but we used lotrimin to clear it up. The dr. also gave us a sample of a cream-vusion. Even still it took awhile to clear up.

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