Baby boy has been trouble since birth but has had occassions where he STTN, so I know he can, especially since they are 1 tomorrow. The night wakings now are out of control (2-3 times a night and often wide awake at 4am). His sister sleeps wonderfully. I jump to his wakings to avoid waking her. Do I separate them to get this boy on the program...he needs a sleep intervention? She doesn't really fit in big sisters room (tiny rooms) without buying new furniture.
I will add that they just moved to the toddler class at school last week (but he's been doing this before's just up to a whole 'nother level) and they don't do bottles in the class (they scream for bottles when they get home). He's literally drinking 4 bottles between 7pm and 4am. Could he just be hungry?
Re: Sleep training...only one twin?
OMG, no bottles all day! Is he eating a ton of solids? I can't imagine that, and my LOs are nearly the same age as yours. Mine have three bottles at daycare plus a wake-up bottle in the morning. Plus, at 11 months, he needs the formula more than any solids b/c solids are still for practice. Sorry, but that doesn't sound right. I'm thinking he's hungry if he's eating that much at night.
we worked with a doula when ours were 9 months. She told us to move the 'good sleeper' temporarily (our better sleeper slept in a packnplay in our ensuite!) You'll never get him to sleep if you constantly run in and pick him up. She told us never to feed them in the middle of the night. At this point they can consume enough calories in the day. She told us to offer 4 oz of water in a bottle to start and then reduce from there. if you are worried he is hungry perhaps offer him a snack after dinner. Our guys eat with the nanny at 5 and then snack when we eat at 6:30 and then get bottles at bedtime.
Then you follow your sleep training from there. Once he is sttn you can move her back in.
ETD I just realized that yours don't get bottles during the day...I can't help...Mine get one in the am, again at nap and then bed. Not sure what you should do.
Good luck
IUI #3 gave us the best 2nd anniv. gift ever: 2 babies! (born 03/09/10)
Peanut and Little Man are getting so big! 2 years old already!
finally blogging again at This Will Be: An Adventure
oh yes we are working on sippies...I send a sippy to school of formula (did ok day 1 and 2) but now they just throw them at us and cry for bottles (regardless if it's warmed up or cold).