Pregnant after 35

Bleeding again...and wearing out...

The bleeding started again about a half an hour ago, and it is back with a vengence.  Hadn't had it for a week and a half.  Large clots included.  No matter how "normal" they say this is for pregnancy with a cervical polyp, it always knocks the wind out of me when I see it.  If it doesn't taper down in 2 hours I will call and probably go in for a cervix check...I have my every other week appt. tomorrow, but I can't wait that long if this continues.  Baby is moving like crazy, but I just can't help but worry.  Another day for my son with mom laying down and not doing much...please send some prayers...I hit 24 weeks next week and then viability is an option...I know it will all be worth it, but this emotional rollercoaster and stress is just exhausting..
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Re: Bleeding again...and wearing out...

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    I'm so sorry that does sound scary. At least you can feel baby move, so that must be a huge relief. Keeping fingers crossed that all looks okay for you.

    Take care!

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    thinking of you.  That sounds like some scary stuff.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.

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    May your LO have chronic hiccups, insomnia and dance the macarena until tomorrow so you can feel it is okay.  T&P...
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    God, I'm sorry this keeps happening. It must be so freakin scary. I hope you get some reassurance from your Dr.
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    I'm sorry you are going through this!  It must be very scary.  HUGS!!
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