Pregnant after 35

Official 2nd Tri Party!!!

Complete with pre-requisite fight with DH about money!  YAAAAAY!!!!

Sigh.  Very very happy to be here anyway though. 

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Re: Official 2nd Tri Party!!!

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    Welcome!!! Things get easier for a little while in the 2nd but towards the end of the 2nd beware of fatigue again.

    Fighting is common when referring to money when PG

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    Welcome!!! Things get easier for a little while in the 2nd but towards the end of the 2nd beware of fatigue again.

    Fighting is common when referring to money when PG

    As my awesome boss (father of three) said to me jokingly, "oh, were you fighting about how you have all this extra money and can't decide where to spend it?" 

    Helped me realize that seriously, EVERYBODY has these discussions.  Still need to find a way to make a dollar out of 15 cents though. 

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    WooHoo! 2nd Tri rocks!
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    CONGRATS!!! :-)
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