Cloth Diapering

anyone contact FB customer service?

I bought 2 perfect sized from an Amazon seller (Earth Parents) and there is a sticky residue on the fleece lining of both of them. The retailer said to contact FB directly about it (would not refund/return) and I filled out the online customer service form - uploaded pics and gave the lot number and everything. Just wondering how long I should expect to hear back from them... or if anyone else had this before?
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Re: anyone contact FB customer service?

  • i've usually heard back within 24 hours
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  • It took a few weeks when I contacted them a little over a year ago.  Check your junkmail.  Everything I had from them went to junk mail.  I filled out that form several times and finally thought to check junk mail.
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  • I heard back within 24 hrs and was very pleased with their service. I had a OS with bad PUL and it was quickly replaced along with 12 new cloth wipes and 2 new inserts that were given to cover the shipping expense.
  • I never got an email back from them (not in my spam, either) BUT logged on to my service claim and they said to send them back, but keep the inserts and that they will send a product (more inserts, wipes, something of the like) back with the replacement diapers to make up for upfront shipping. I think that's a great policy!
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