Pregnant after 35

Amnio or CVS

Hi ladies! I am turning 37 in January and go in for my NT in two wks. I know this is a personal decision, I cant decide whether to do the CVS or Amnio. The CVS is earlier which I like so I can know earlier, but it doesnt test for tubal disorders.

Does anyone know which is less risky for a MC? That also makes me nervos. Which hurts more?


Thank you!

Kingsley Kennedy Wolff born March 16, 2012!!!

Re: Amnio or CVS

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    We did a CVS because we wanted to know as early as possible if something was wrong.  No it didn't hurt - just uncomfortable (mine was transvaginal).  It also went very quickly.  In the hands of the right doctor, the MC rates for a CVS are the same as an Amnio.
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    what PP said.

    i've had 2 cvs ... for us, the priority was knowing sooner.   mine were both transabdominal - not lying - it wasn't pleasant ... but over quickly.

    mc rates are really doc dependent.  a doc that does mostly amnio and only a few cvs will likely have a higher mc rate with cvs ... but docs that do a lot of cvs will have lower rates.  

    when i was ~17 weeks, my ob did the AFP blood test to detect spina bifida ... and then the anatomy scan looked specifically at the spine.

    congrats and good luck with your decision. 

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    Exactly what pp said. We decided to skip the NT and go straight to CVS because we wanted results as early as possible and didn't just want odds. I did AFP blood test at 16 weeks for neural tube defects and the a/s next week will scan further. It was a difficult decision, but the best one we could have made. Having definitive results so early has eased the worry. Hearing all the stories of false positives and poor NT results on the boards makes me thankful every day for our decision. It is very personal though. Do your research and find an experienced Dr. either way. Oh, and mine was trans-abdominal. Weird feeling and uncomfortable, but not painful.
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    I have also had two CVS procedures, both trans-abdominal.  Like PP's have said, the MC rate does depend on the Dr. so if you go the CVS route, make sure your Dr. has done a bunch of them.  It is more of a creepy feeling than a painful one, but it does happen really fast, and it so great to be able to get results so early in your pregnancy.   Good luck!
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    Our amnio is scheduled September 8 - We did not do any of the screenings and preferred to go with a physician we know to do the amnio for us vs. going to a different physician for CVS.  As was stated previaosuly - do your research - talk about your options - and the answers you seek will start to fall into place.

    Wishing you the best of luck - we are the only parents our age amongst our peers who are having an amnio - most of the information I have received has been online or from our doctor. 

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    I've had 2 amnios (one for each pg) and skipped all other early testing.  CVS is not offered within 3 hours of my home.  They did not hurt - just a weird feeling while the needle is in.  If your doctor is experienced the procedure is very safe.  I like knowing that genetically all is well.  I would not have enjoyed my pregnancy without the amnio.
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