Pregnant after 35

Shortened cervix anyone?

Turns out my cervix is on the shorter side, so I have had a few ultrasounds to monitor it. Anyone had any experience with this? It's currently at 2.3 cm and if it goes below 2.0 at my next ultrasound I'll have to decide about getting a cerclage- which is apparently unproven for preventing preterm births (unless you've had preterm births before), but there don't seem to be a lot of other options.
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Re: Shortened cervix anyone?

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    Ok, so I figured out I need to post on the high-risk board.  It's just that I like THIS board so much...:)
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    With my first, I went through my pregnancy with no problems until exactly 28 weeks, where I was told I had a shorten cervix.  Then went into preterm labor, was on bedrest until 31 weeks in which my water broke.  So I would say if they didn't put you on bed rest you should take it easy and wait to see what your next ultrasound says.  GL and hope all goes well.
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    I should proally find the high risk board myself - but I am having the same issues.  I'm only 22 weeks tho and mine came up 1.9 cm on the 20 wk ultra/sound.  Doc is super concerned and requiring me to come in 2 to 3 times a week for check ups.

    So far, they are saying the sewing wouldnt help at this point.  (not sure why - other than its risky anyway).

    I'm not on bed rest now either - but told to take it super easy.

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