Just curious what your thoughts are...I know it has made national news, so who do you think is to blame? True "Act of God"? They should have evacuated? Concert-goers are responsible to leave as they see fit?
Here is a timeline of events...
And an article from local news ....
Re: Have you all heard about what happened at the Indiana State Fair over the weekend?
DH is an event professional who does lots of stage sets. He thinks that it was a top heavy set without enough ground support and outriggers. The circular truss in the middle needs lots of attachment points. The roof essentially became a sail that twisted the whole thing out of shape.
I think that you do have some responsibilty as an attendee to pay attention to the weather and get yourself to a safe place.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I really don't like placing fault in a situation like this. It just sets up litigation. But I guess the question would be: Did the Indiana State Fair personnel know that the structure would be unsound in high winds? That would define negligence. Otherwise as a party go-er you do have to assume responsibility for yourself and use common sense on whether its safe to stay or go. At some point, you assume a risk.
Really above all, I think its just a tragic accident.