I scored a cute B4 on Spots a week ago and it's finally here... only now I'm completely lost. I think I figured out how the soakers are supposed to go, the problem is that the snaps don't snap together
It isn't that they snap and then snap off, they just plain don't even snap. I've tried re-arranging them all sorts off different ways but they just don't fit together. The soakers and inside of the B4 look the same so I don't think they're switched.. anyone else have this happen to them before?
Re: Educate me on B4s
I just got my first B4 last week...the large soaker was snapped on in the front and then the medium and small ones were snapped together and the medium one was snapped to the back (where most diapers have the soaker snaps). Also, have you checked her site to see if that helps you at all??
Thank you for the link!
I have the soakers in the right order but they still don't snap. It looks/feels as though the little bump in the snaps (don't know what it's called) touch against each other and it keeps the snaps from fitting well together/snapping.
if you have snap pliars or know someone that does you could try mashing them down more.
i could try it if you'd want to cover shipping.