
contraction question (23 weeks)

Hi all, I am visiting from the 2nd tri board. I was wondering if any of you ladies had very very painful braxton hicks contractions? When I say painful I mean on the phone with the doctor and I couldnt talk through them. I went to the doctor and nothing is happening to my cervix (thank goodness) and she did a swab test to see if i will be delivering in the next two weeks. I had two while at the office and my doctor (she thought I was just being a wimp and had no pain tollerance) started freaking out cause you could see them on my stomach. We watched my uterus come to a point and then relax about 40 seconds later. Anyone else have anything like this? She put me on bedrest and is having me start my kick counts 4 weeks early
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Re: contraction question (23 weeks)

  • How close together are these contractions? If they are painful, I don't think they are BH so you need to be aware of the timing. 

    Honestly, the whole kick count thing sounds a little weird and the fact that your OB didn't believe what you were feeling is also strange, as well as the fact that your doctor freaked when seeing a contraction?  I would consider going to labor and delivery at the nearest hospital to get a second opinion.  You may have a UTI or some other kind of infection that is causing you to contract. 

    Please keep us posted.  

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  • imagesail123:

    How close together are these contractions? If they are painful, I don't think they are BH so you need to be aware of the timing. 

    Honestly, the whole kick count thing sounds a little weird and the fact that your OB didn't believe what you were feeling is also strange, as well as the fact that your doctor freaked when seeing a contraction?  I would consider going to labor and delivery at the nearest hospital to get a second opinion.  You may have a UTI or some other kind of infection that is causing you to contract. 

    Please keep us posted.  

    All of this. My SIL was having similar contractions and she was put on antibiotics for an infection. All her symptoms disappeared within days.

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  • They just vary. they arent consistant but I do get at them at least 5 to 6 times a day. The other night I had three in an hour. I am starting to write them down and I am getting a second opinion. I will get my swab tesst results tomorrow.
    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That doesn't sound like BH to me.  Get a 2nd opinion...your doctor sounds a little nuts.  At only 23 weeks pregnant, I wouldn't want to take the chance that she is wrong...

    I hope your fFn comes back negative!  T&P!

  • I had a similar experience at 27 weeks. My stomach was doing the visible contracting and the contractions were very rhythmic. Turns out they were not BH contractions. Thank goodness my OB sent me to the hospital because later that night they had to give me drugs to make me stop. I was on bedrest and managed to hang on for six weeks. I would definitely get a second opinion. You can never be too careful. 
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