Pregnant after 35

Seriously Conflicted

As most of you know I am residing with my one SIL and BIL

I am NOT fond of the SIL - she is ghetto fabulous and thinks she is better than me....with a trade school degree, no job, no interest in working, on foodstamps and living in a basement where she should NOT be receiving any assistance at all since her husband makes over $2500 a month.

Well I appreciate being told I look good pregnant and especially when SO tells me I look like I am thinning out everywhere except for the baby belly and boobs.

My issue is when my SIL and BIL tell me that "I AM A SEXY A$$ PREGNANT WOMAN"

This makes me seriously grossed out and uncomfortable.  I can accept beautiful, glowing, radiant etc....but sexy?????? Really? WTF????

These are the same people that tried to hide that I was pregnant from people that SO and I thought were moved away from the city that they went to dinner with over the weekend.  We had no clue that they were even in NYC anymore and they are but they told them we were still in Vegas.....seriously these are some of the sickest people I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with,

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Re: Seriously Conflicted

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    Ewwwwww.....Creepy!  I would highly suggest playing the power ball then when you win big you can tell them all to kiss your #$$ as you walk out the door.  All you need is a dollar and a dream LOL

    Ugh that is just weird.  I could see if she was a close girlfriend trying to give you a pep talk but knowing the background its just icky.


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    These are the same people that were holding a video cam at my last SIL baby shower and they focused on my ass for 10 solid minutes.  GROSS!!!!!

    I mean I am so modest - no cleavage.  Always wearing capri leggings under loose flowy dresses and long shirts and a cami to block the boobage from appearing too inviting. 

    If I am not in my regular super fit shape then I am MODEST - no tight revealing things and surely not fishing for that kind of comment.


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    Why are you living with these people rather than with someone else (assuming you are financially strapped or something)?  If I couldn't respect or feel comfortable with someone, I certainly wouldn't take shelter from them.
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    If there was ANYONE and I mean ANYONE else that could assist us while we search for an apartment that isnt looking for a perfect credit score of 800 we would already be there.

    But such is life - I used up every penny caring for dear old dad before he died and never recovered from the credit damage.....lucky us.

    I mean the SO has a possible job offer on the table that would give us an apartment but wow - the wait and dealing with this weirdness is killing me now.  I hide in my room from the time I get home till the time I can run to and from the shower and then leave as quickly as I can in the morning.

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    Man what a spot to be in....

    are all family members, on both sides, pretty much like this?  If you can't stay with them, would anyone help out for a downpayment or to help you get your credit back on track?  Have you checked into charities or even home-owners who are renting their property?

    Hope your SO lands the job. 


    If there was ANYONE and I mean ANYONE else that could assist us while we search for an apartment that isnt looking for a perfect credit score of 800 we would already be there.

    But such is life - I used up every penny caring for dear old dad before he died and never recovered from the credit damage.....lucky us.

    I mean the SO has a possible job offer on the table that would give us an apartment but wow - the wait and dealing with this weirdness is killing me now.  I hide in my room from the time I get home till the time I can run to and from the shower and then leave as quickly as I can in the morning.

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    My SO's family are all pretty much useless in that they are all on welfare, food stamps and have section 8 and have not worked in about 10 years or more.

    Perfect reason why we are shocked that this is the longest he has been without employment in his life since 13.

    My family - <<sigh>> - my parents are both gone from this world - my brothers refuse to have anything to do with me since they were not from my mother and hated that my father started a new family - my grandparents (all but one) are also gone.  Aunts and Uncles (the few that are left) are in very very bad conditions with health and their poor kids are struggling to take care of them.

    This is the toughest thing to be dealing with at this point.  That is why I truly feel lost and cannot feel as though I am not a complete failure and have no right to become a mom when we cannot stabilize our lives.  Even with me working fulltime it seems to be impossible.  I cant seem to imagine that people cannot see that a person working with no history of eviction or late rent payments would be told - sorry to apartment for you since your credit is so bad but I will rent to this welfare recipient because her credit score is 800.

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