Pregnant after 35

*****Haribo 1******

Was thinking about you today.  I think you said you had an apt. today.  Hope you got some answers as to why you are having such discomfort.  Hope all went well :) 

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Re: *****Haribo 1******

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    Thanks so much for checking up on me!  Everything is ok.  I was so nervous because I woke up very dizzy this morning, had a headache and was nauseous. I was sure I was going to get bad news!  Fortunately, no protein in urine, BP higher than my usual so will have to keep an eye on it, but otherwise things are well.  My doc things the rib pain is from the baby kicks and my uterus being so high up.  Did not look like fatty liver, gallstones, etc.  Whew!  =)
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    Thank Goodness!  Glad to hear you got some good news :)  Isn't being pregnant fun!!!! LOL

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