Pregnant after 35

Frikkin prenatal vites

I thought I was a pretty good pill taker, but this ish is getting ridiculous.

I'm on good old fashioned One A Day.  2 horse pills, one being the DHA. Plus I'm lactose intolerant so taking a 600mg Calcium supplement just in case. Now I find out my Vitamin D is wikkid low so I'm taking 2-2,000 IU vitamin D's as well.

That's 5 pills a day.  I'm so tired of gagging already.  I'm gonna see if I can get perscription and try to eliminate one or two of these headaches.  Yuck.


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Re: Frikkin prenatal vites

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    Yeah that is a lot to swallow. Hopefully they can give you an all encompassing pill :)
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    I'm right there with you!  I was thinking the same thing last night as I was trying to swallow my three pills with tears in my eyes.  I freakin' HATE taking pills to begin with, so this is an absolute chore for me. Tongue Tied
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    I'm on CitraNatal Harmony (I think) and it's great.  It's a giant soft gel, but the soft gel is a lot easier to swallow, smells like vanilla, and it has the DHA right in it, and a stool softener!  Who ever thought stool softeners would be so exciting?
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    I'm on CitraNatal Harmony (I think) and it's great.  It's a giant soft gel, but the soft gel is a lot easier to swallow, smells like vanilla, and it has the DHA right in it, and a stool softener!  Who ever thought stool softeners would be so exciting?


    Now that's funny! 

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