Pregnant after 35

Back from First Ultrasound

Yep, there's a baby in ma bellay! Baby is measuring right on target for 6w3days, and we saw and heard the heartbeat!  The rate was 111 bpm, but they generally like to see it at 120 bpm by this point, so they've scheduled a followup u/s for next week for reassurance.  I'm a tad nervous about that, but trying to assume that all is just fine.  :)
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Re: Back from First Ultrasound

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    Congratulations ! At 6w4d my sons HR was 119, by 7w3d it was 150! Here is to hoping all is well.
    b/w=FSH 15.6, AMH 0.4 surprise natural BFP on 3/12/11
    DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d


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