My DS's behavior is growing exponentially worse by the day. I was chalking it up to his age but I don't think I can blame that anymore.2-3 months ago he was, he is only content if he is watching elmo, or at the park. If we are home and the TV is off, watch out. I try to play/engage/distract but he is not interested in toys. I will literally be sitting on the floor coloring/stacking blocks/etc and he will not stay with me.
All he wants to do is climb things. He uses bigger toys, pushes them over to furniture, and them stand on the kitchen table, the coffee table, a set of shelves, etc. He will push his booster chair over to the kitchen counter to pull off anything that is there. He will climb on the TV stand to hit the TV. I can be standing 3 feet away saying "No" "off" "down" and its like he doesn't hear me. I spend most of my days off pulling him off things.
Super consistent timeouts, with warnings, are no help. He doesn't even fight me, just sits there for 2 minutes playing with the carpet/the wall/whatever is nearby that I can't remove, then gets up, gives me a hug, and repeats the same behavior. I can't pee without taking him with me, and then I'm in a race to get finished while he attempts to climb into the sink, or turn on the shower. I can't cook unless DH is home so I premake a lot of things. I can't sit down unless he is strapped in the booster, and then I have about 10 minutes, he eats quickly and then wants out.
Naptime/bedtime can't come fast enough to me, and we even had a hard time with those today although we normally don't.
Daycare (in home, only 2x a week) says he's "really active" but no real complaints. He spends most of his day there outside or in the playroom which has only toys, no furniture. Family members and therapists comment on his climbing. We can't go to anyone's house, family wise. We do go to a play center/ park/ gym DAILY but usually only for an hour.
I don't even know why I am posting this. I have a new baby coming in 4 months or less, my husband and I work opposite shifts, and I just don't know what I'm going to do if I can't stop following him around for 2 seconds. I may DD this later, its so embarrassing.
Re: Is there some book I can read before I cry??
Sounds exactly like my DS at his age. Honestly, you just have to be consistent in getting him down and saying no. Get him out to burn off energy as much as possible and let him climb something safe.
Thank you. It's comforting to know this is somewhat normal. I just hate that I can't enjoy him at home right now, and must constantly plan "field trips" to keep him happy...meanwhile, there aren't enough free things to do in this town, and momma is pregnant and tires easily!
I agree with the other poster. DS was the exact same way right around 2 and we were constantly going on adventures to keep him occupied. Just keep pulling him off stuff and be consistent. He'll get it!! Now, at 2.5, he actually listens and stops when I tell him to AND he can sit and play with toys.