We are going out to dinner tonight-normally we just carry the girls in their car seat. But the location is a strip of places to eat stores etc-and parking is in a parking garage and where we are eating is a bit of a hike...so-should we just carry their seats or get out the double stroller? If we take the stroller where do we put in when we go in? I know this sounds so dumb but I like to be prepared!
TTC #1 since November 2007 Dx-Unexplained Infertility
10/08 Clomid and TI #1=BFN
11/08 Clomid and TI#2=BFP...Twins, MC due to ectopic
5/09 Clomid and TI#3=BFN
6/09 IUI and clomid #1=BFN
8/09 Lap=No Endo
10/09 IUI + Repronex + Pregnyl = BFN
09/10 IVF #1. Repronex, ganorelix and pregnyl=BFP!! Beta #1 10/1/10 450 Beta #2 10/7/10 over 5,000
Re: stroller and eating out?
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
This is also what we did until the babies were old enough for restaurant style high chairs at around 9 months.