Pregnant after 35

Special Restrictions Due to Age

I'm 38 & this is my first pregnancy.  Were there any special restrictions/cautions your Dr. told you due to age?  For example, I know you're not supposed to lift more than 25 lbs., but he told me no more than 15 lbs.
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Re: Special Restrictions Due to Age

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    I'm 40 and this is my first. I have no restrictions due to age. I lift much more than 25 lbs, especially when weight training (with a trainer), but was doing this for several years before pg. My OB knows and approves of my routine.
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    I would just listen closely to your body. That has been what I have done mostly. Last time I really pushed the limits this time I find it OK to say I can't do something.  Other then watching my weight which is not because of age I have not been given any restrictions.
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    no special restrictions when i was 38 and pg, and nothing now at 42.

    then again, i'm pretty wimpy and don't lift heavy things anyway ... but no, wasn't told anything special. 

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    No restrictions from my doctor that differ from all pregnant women. In fact he had encouraged me to do what I normally do in terms of exercise and lifting stuff. He said my body will tell me when to modify things.
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    No age related restrictions. I can't see how age would have anything to do with how much you should lift.
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    No rstrictions. I am a nurse and worked full time on an inpatient critical care unit until I was 17 weeks and lifted people MUCH heavier than 25 lbs!!! I agree with just listening to your body. Lifting and running around at work never caused an issue, but cleaning my house from top to bottom before we moved in June killed me - and caused bleeding and cramping, so then I knew Imhad over done it (when it didnt feel like it).
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    I'm 37 and have had no restrictions on activity based on age.

     The only things that I've done due to my *ahem* 'advanced maternal age' are get a test for Down's Syndrome and my doctor recommends I get induced during week 41 instead of week 42 because I purportedly have a greater risk of the placenta breaking down earlier (though I've heard of plenty of "older" women doing just fine waiting out the 42 weeks, just depends on the person).

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    I was offered optional bi-weekly monitoring starting at 32 weeks to keep an eye on my placenta, but that was pretty much it.  I do bi-weekly NST's and weekly ultrasounds.  (I'm turning 42 next Sat.)

    I also opted to do the neural tube check and quad screenings, but that's pretty much it in terms of anything additional.

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