My LO leaks at night ... I think it's the diaper gapping at her leg although the diapers seem snug when I put them on. I've used BumGenius, Kawaii Heavy Wetter, Sweetpeas - no luck. I used the Kawaii last night with a wool cover thinking that would work and somehow she soaked herself up one side of her body right up to her armpit in the onesie!
I've had some luck with Motherease Sandy's and Rikki cover but she gets SO wet in them and is pretty unhappy. I usually change her twice during the night so would like to find something that works better or may consider disposable at night. Any advice?
Re: Advice pls - heavy wetter leaking at night!
What are you stuffing with? Our stash is pretty much all pockets, but if he's in a BG I have the regular MF insert, a hemp insert, then a hemp doubler or an infant insert. If we don't at least triple-stuff nighttime dipes he fills them right up.
If that still isn't working I'd maybe try fitteds? A lot of ladies here love them for nighttime, but I don't have any myself.
She's always been a BIG eater and a BIG pee-er, we tried newborn prefolds the first week she was home and they couldn't handle her peeing!
We have the onesie over the wool and not done up so it was basically a tshirt... also, I'm stuffing the Kawaii Heavy Wetter with the big MF insert and a hemp insert.
As PP said, I think it's that the stuffing is so thick at this point, if she sleeps on her side, the side gaps and pee leaks. Think I'll try the fitted next with wool covers - thanks!
I prefer fitteds and wool because they're breathable. But if you want to avoid the side leaks with the Kawaii, just make the rise longer. That way you can tighten up the waist and thighs AROUND the inserts, not over them. Make any sense?
I was in the same predicament and so I got a few fitteds and a wool soaker. I add a thirsties hemp insert to the fitted and they've solved our leakage problems. I use a GM for naps or a bigger prefold stuffed with a smaller one, covered with a PUL cover.