Cloth Diapering

Some questions

I CD my DS do to medical issues he is not near ready to potty train. We are currently expecting triplets and plan to CD them. I did not start cloth on my DS till he was older so not sure what I need to start them earlier. I am figuring they will end up in nicu for some time but want to start buying them diapers. I just need an idea of how many I will need for 3? Planing to start with prefolds and then move to pockets which is what use on DS. I would like to do laundry every 2-3 daysish? Also what prefolds do you like the best? How many covers will I need also? Thanks for any help and anything else you can think of? Most people seem to think I am nuts for wanting to CD but it is best for our wallets lol. Thanks again for any help.
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Re: Some questions

  • Wow! Congrats!

    You should look at Green Mountain pre-folds for sure. They are much softer and more absorbent than Gerber. You can get premie size, but I'm not sure I'd spend the money on them. They aren't that much smaller than the NB size that will last you longer.

    I would suggest looking at a typical NB stash (they get posted here all the time) and then x3 or so.

  • imagexpedite:

    Wow! Congrats!

    You should look at Green Mountain pre-folds for sure. They are much softer and more absorbent than Gerber. You can get premie size, but I'm not sure I'd spend the money on them. They aren't that much smaller than the NB size that will last you longer.

    I would suggest looking at a typical NB stash (they get posted here all the time) and then x3 or so.


    I agree with GMD prefolds but all we had were orange edge so I am not sure what size they were.  Just one thing-you may have to wash every two days-three children in diapers is a lot and they will accumulate quickly.  GL!

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  • Congrats!!!

    I don't know much about newborn stashes, but as PP said, think about the average stash and x3. Lots of people use prefolds during the day, and then have some fitted nb diapers for nighttime changes (easier in the dark). 4 in cloth - I'm tipping my hat to you, mama ! 

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  • dcnmdcnm member

    For one newborn we had 2 dozen orange-edge Cloth Eez prefolds from plus four Thirsties Duo wraps size 1, 1 Thirsties xs cover, and 1 Bummis Super Brite cover.  And four Snappis (because we kept misplacing them lol!) We also had an assortment of fitteds and AIOs, but we hated all of them for the newborn stage.  We washed every other night.

    For triplets, I would say to get 6-7 dozen prefolds, 6-8 Snappis, and 12-18 covers.

    And lastly, congrats! You'll save a ton going with cloth Smile 

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