Eco-Friendly Family

Sewers - Need help finding pattern (NEFR)

DS is getting baptized on 9/11 and we're looking for a pattern to make him an outfit. Ideally, I'd love to find a romper with short sleeves but I'm not having any luck. I don't really want to make a sleeveless romper and be stuck trying to make or find a shirt to go with it. He's on the hefty side of a 2T.


ETA - I posted here because I lurk on a lot of the sewing related threads that pop up in EFF :)

Gabriel :: Born on his due date - 9/19/09 :: 9lb 8oz, 21"Birth Storysig4 copyBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Sewers - Need help finding pattern (NEFR)

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