
When to pack the hospital bag?

Hi ladies,

 I have always waited until between 36 and 38 weeks to pack my bags for my singletons.  Am I crazy for thinking of throwing a few things in a suitcase now at almost 31 weeks with twins?  Just wanted to see when you ladies packed.  Thanks!

Kristi DS 12/05 DD 6/07 DD 3/09 DS 9/11 DS 9/11

Re: When to pack the hospital bag?

  • I packed my bag (for the  most part) at the 32w... and my water broke at 32 w 1d! Not even 18 hrs after I packed it, my hub was throwing it in the car!
    Daisypath imageLilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I just got it done 2 days ago. It takes me all of 3 minutes to pack though so I really didn't think it was a big deal.
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  • Ha! DH and I kept saying we should pack the bag every weekend from 28 weeks on ( we had a PTL scare). At 33 weeks we had blocked off sometime in the weekend to do it, but I was sent to the hospital Friday. I guess my advice would be to pack as soon as the thought comes into your head. 
  • I am about 32.5 weeks and I just packed mine.  I don't think I am going into labor anytime soon but after reading so many stories about people who were surprised by early labor, I thought it is better just to get it done. Plus the average twin delivery is sometime around 36 weeks so its not that far away :-)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • I threw some essentials in at 28w w my first PTL scare.  I packed for real about a week before my water broke.

    Maybe the real lesson is DON'T pack to avoid babies coming, LOL.

  • I had planned on packing the day my water broke at 33w3.  SO I did end up packing that day... as quickly as I could throw stuff in a bag while avoiding leaking all over the floor.  Not recommended.

    Husband has cystic fibrosis. I'm a carrier. We did TESE, IVF, ICSI, and PGD. After two failed IVFs, we were blessed with our twins.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I started packing mine a few nights ago when I was having some serious contractions... the contractions stopped... and so did the bag packing. I should probably get that finished! LOL
  • I didn't pack in time...    I went in for a non-stress test at 34w3d and ended up transferred to another hospital 45 minutes away.  DH brought what we thought I would need and it wasn't enough.  I wish I had done it at 32 weeks... 

    It NEVER hurts to be prepared :)

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  • I don't think so. I ended up in L&D at 31 weeks and was completely unprepared. Scared the crap out of me. I ended up packing a small - necessities only - bag after that and officially packed at 36 weeks.
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