
Calling All Teachers.....

I am returning back to work on Monday (almost 29 weeks). I teach kindergarten & currently have 22 kids in my class - WOW! I'm also experiencing some swelling - ugh! What are your plans for the beginning of the school year?? I guess I'm going to try to sit as much as I can - that's pretty much a joke.
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Re: Calling All Teachers.....

  • It'll be interesting to see how long your doctor will let you work.
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  • I had X-mas break at 28w.  The last Friday of that week I was in L&D with contractions 3 min apart, but fortunately no cervical changes.   I felt MUCH better over break.  Went back around 30 w for one full week and then final exams and 2 work days.  Was SO GLAD to be done at that point.

    Turns out, I would have made the same amount of money not coming back after break.  Those last few weeks were hard, but I needed to do them to finish up the semester for the kids' sake.  

    I don't know that I would have made it to 37w if I had kept working, though.  My body was so sore those last few weeks that I was crying in pain most days on the way home.

    Not saying this to scare you, just saying it's worth looking into your leave policy and seeing if when you leave makes a difference.  

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  • I plan to work as long as I can... at my last ultrasound, my cervix had gone from 3.5 to 3.02 in two weeks, so I'm getting nervous.  I teach third and have 28 kids this year... should be interesting!

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    Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
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  • i stopped working at 27 weeks to avoid PTL - my doc wanted me to stop by 28 weeks b/c my job has me on my feet most of the day.  I wouldn't even be going back to start the new year if I was 28 weeks pg with twins... I used to teach K and know how much I used to do those first few weeks- it was exhausting and i was an in-shape 20-something, with no kids and not pg..... Be very careful - you don't want to overdo it.... cooking those babies is your #1 job right now - your class will do fine without you if you need to leave work.... I'd talk to your doc about when to expect to leave - it shouldn't be long - if working at all by this point.
    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • I teach third grade and started last school year 28 weeks pg.  I ended up working until 36 weeks and I had 27 students, so 22 seems so much easier!!  I stopped working because the swelling in my legs was painful, so I couldn't walk, stand, etc.  I had planned on working until 37 weeks, so I was only one week short of my goal.  I had no problems and felt great until the swelling became really bad.  And yeah, I totally sat as much as I could!!

    I should add that I made it to my scheduled c/s at 38 wks 1 day. 

  • We all know how much of a joke this is, but do try to take it as much as you can!!  Just be prepared for a wall to come out of nowhere!  I felt great teaching, then one day at my 28 week appt, I found out I was having PTL without feeling it, and got yanked out of work just like that!  I would say to act like you are on bedrest the second you walk into that door at home!  that way your body might be able to somewhat recover from the day...


    Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
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  • I teach first grade. I had planned to work until I was 34 weeks pregnant. My water broke during class when I was 32w 5d pregnant. I was very tired and sat a lot of the time. The kids were really good at getting things for me and helping out. My suggestion would be to make sure you are planned for the sub ahead of time. You just never know. 
    TTC#1 since 12/06 1st IVF w ICSI: 6/14/10 -- BFP!...low beta... chemical preg. 2nd IVF = August 19 16 -- 18 eggs September 2- BFP! September 16th - TWINS! Due May 9th Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image image Visit The Nest!
  • Do you have any kind of assistance or an aide?  I teach middle school - so you elementary teachers are amazing as far as I'm concerned!  At least once I get them they're a little more self-sufficient with most things!
    I'd be overly prepared with plans and getting a sub ready for you, honestly.  I worked until 27 weeks, but luckily summer vacation started at that time so I got to rest at home.  
    Even with teaching older kids, I'm not sure I would have made it as long as I did if I had been working toward the end.  My level of exhaustion and pain was such that I would have been miserable if I had been working.
    Good luck.  I'm interested to see what your doctor says after you've been back for a while.  Just remember, do what's best for you and those babies! 
  • You sound like me!  I'm 31 weeks pregnant with twins and also teach kindergarten to 28 full-day kiddos.  I've decided not to go back until after my leave.  I'll be having a c-section (due to a previous c-section) and we determined that by having the doctor medically excuse me from work now, I will qualify for long-term disability when the pre-birth medical leave is added to the c-section recovery time.  Financially, it made more sense to just stay home now.  I hate that I won't be there for my students' first days of school and won't be able to get them onto MY routines, but it truly is best for our family right now.  Good luck to you!



    Our beautiful daughter Lauren was born January 14, 2008! Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I taught 2nd grade until I was 34 weeks, 3 days. It was miserable. Horrible. I wish my doctor had put me on bedrest earlier. I developed Pre-E and my babies were born at 34 weeks, 5 days. I really think they would have stayed in longer had I been on bedrest, not on my feet with 23 second graders ALL. DAY. LONG.

    Get your doctor to put you on bedrest as soon as you feel like it's too much! I discovered too late that my babies were more important than my measly teacher's paycheck.

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