Cloth Diapering

Help me troubleshoot ladies...

We are having ammonia issues.  Here is what I have tried so far:

- open pail

- tried Tide original DD had a reaction - still smelled

- Dawn strip

- 1/4 bleach strip

- vinegar in rinse cycles

- several like 8 cycles of hot wash/cold rinse with no detergent on clean diapers

Nothing is helping!!!  Any other suggestions - I am waiting on washing soda to make the EFF detergent, but in your experiences has it helped if you have ammonia issues?

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Re: Help me troubleshoot ladies...

  • Fl or TL?

    What other detergent are you using in the mean time?

    How many diapers per load?

    MF or Natural fibers?

  • TL

    Planet detergent

     MF mostly a few hemp and cotton inserts

    probably about 15 diapers (I wash every other day trying to avoid the smell)


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  • dcnmdcnm member

    I always have luck with an RLR strip.  Here's what I do in my top loader:


    1. Set the washer to hot wash/cold rinse/extra rinse and let the tub fill up.  Dissolve the recommended amt of RLR in hot water in a cup and add it to the washer water.  Add clean diapers.  You can let them soak overnight if you want to, or just set the washer to presoak and close the lid to let the cycle run.

    **You will see a TON of soapy bubbles in the initial RLR wash.  Sometimes you will even see rust-colored water as the minerals come out of your dipes.  It's neat!**

    2. Run another hot wash/cold rinse.  Check for soapy bubbles in the rinse.  If you still have soapy bubbles, run hot washes and cold rinses until you don't get soap.  I usually run two cycles before they rinse clean.

    3. Dry as usual. You will notice that your microfiber inserts feel a bit crunchy out of the washer.  That's ok, it means they're clean.

    I usually then sun out any stains and do an overnight soak on my fitteds with a cap or two of Ecover fabric softener.  It's a monthly routine I enjoy (I know, I'm weird) to keep my dipes fresh and squishy soft Smile

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