Pregnant after 35

Are all prenatals equal? And, do you take anything extra?

It is difficult to find an in-store kosher when I found one, I committed to it.

Prior to pregnancy, I was told by my reg. phys. to take iron pills.  My OB told me I didn't need them if I was taking prenatals...that my body would just wash it out because of the prenatals.  (Note, he never asked to see the back of my prenatal bottle to see what % were covered or what vit/nutrients were covered)

I see sometimes women stating that they are taking extras, like folic or iron....those that do, are you doing that under dr.'s orders, or just on your own?  Is there benefit, or are there any cons to just taking "more" of something? 

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Re: Are all prenatals equal? And, do you take anything extra?

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    They are not all the same. However your body can only except X amount of any vitamin per day. So the iron in the prenatal is probably enough to meet the daily requirement. I did take fish oil until I got the fish burps but other then that I just take a prenatal. Then I try to drink OJ at least once a week.
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    I take the Rainbow Light prenatals, and also supplemental fish oil. Both my OB and acupuncturist recommended the fish oil, in a small dose.  The folic acid and iron in the prenatals should be enough unless you have specific conditions. I also try to eat foods with folic acid because I think our bodies absorb that better than in vitamins, and I cook in a cast iron pan for the iron benefit.
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    i take GNC PN.  just cause i always took GNC multi's before TTC.  ob never asked what brand or suggested anything specific.

    ob recommended that i take omega (for baby brain development) and at 20 weeks, some extra iron since i run a little anemic. 

    i have vit. b12 and vit. d deficiency, so i take those too ...

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    Nope some are better than others. As for extra stuff I take I take Omega 3 and extra calcium. The calcium is because during pregnancy the baby tends to strip you of your calcium. Omega 3 I have taken for the past ten + years.
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    So should I insist that he take a look at the prenatals I've been taking?
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    All prenatals are NOT created equal. There is a reason you will find one brand at CVS for $5 and another at your local health food store for $15.

    I work in the wellness industry so I know the better quality ones from the cheap brands. Personally, I like Megafood, which is a whole food vitamin or Garden of Life which makes a raw line called "Vitamin Code". I find with these that my body actually absorbs the vitamins rather than my body peeing them out.

     As for the iron, my Dr. also told me I didn't need any extra (and I am vegan) as long as I was getting it in my prenatal.

    I also take extra Cal/mag which is super important right now as the baby takes all the calcium you have first and a vegan DHA since I don't eat fish. I also take a probiotic to keep me regular, but I've been doing that for years. 

    All prenatals have extra folic acid so unless your Dr. tells you to, you shouldn't take extra. I would discuss all of this with the doc so you know what you need extra of, if anything. Or, a qualified nutritionist since Drs don't always know much about nutrition.

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    I take a prenatal vitamin, and i chose it by trial and error finding one that didnt make me feel sick. i wouldnt take extra iron unless instructed by my doctor as your body doesnt just flush it out. Too much iron will build up and make dark stools and make you constipated.
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    Regular pre-natals made me nauseaus (even before I was preggo).  So I have found that the VitaFusion gummy prenatals work well for me.  They do not contain Iron or Calcium though.  (The iron is probably what was making me sick with the other prenatals.)  My doctor was fine with that until about 20 weeks in when I came back anemic, so I added an iron supplement.
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    I take the Rainbow Light prenatals, and also supplemental fish oil. Both my OB and acupuncturist recommended the fish oil, in a small dose.  The folic acid and iron in the prenatals should be enough unless you have specific conditions. I also try to eat foods with folic acid because I think our bodies absorb that better than in vitamins, and I cook in a cast iron pan for the iron benefit.

    Thanks for the brand name tip...I went to Whole Foods today looking for it and was DELIGHTED that there was a one pill a day dosage instead of the 4 a day I was taking with Solgar.  Most vitamins were a little more highly represented in the Rainbow, too. 

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    My Ob/Gyn said if my prenatals were making me ill, to get Flinestones Chewable vitamins...yuck!  Ha.  Flinestones have fake sugar in them and I am not down with that.


    What I did find is that Luna bars are packed full of vitamins and have 100% folic acid so...I eat one of those a day until I can get to a place where I can stomach the vitamins.  

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    I take Innate Baby & Me, Trimester I & II prenatals--they are not synthetic and the vitamins in them are sourced from whole foods and can be taken (and tolerated) on an empty stomach. They are pricey, but I love them!

    I also take MorDHA Prenatal Omega 3 fish oil, 5,000 IU Vitamin D (my levels are not deficient, but borderline low), probiotics, calcium, and a baby aspirin a day (as directed by my doctor). So far, so good!

    Me: 42, DH: 40; Surprise BFP 4/27/2011; no heartbeat at 9w3d, we miss you, Baby Manatee; D&C 6/1/2011; AF returned 6/26/2011; Ready to try for our take-home baby. 7/24/2011--BFP! Peanut born March 2012; BFP: 7/31/2013!; blighted ovum at 7 weeks 8/26/2013. Holy Cannoli! BFP 2/23/2014. EDD 11/6/2014!  

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    i take prenatal with dha, fish oil, iron  (I'm anemic), and calcium supplements (I'm not drinking enough milk).
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    I'm also taking the Rainbow Lights.  I was on something else until I compared the labels and realized that the RL's had a lot more of the good stuff in them. In addition to Whole Foods, you can get them at Target (for a lot less). 

    I find that I have to take them right before bedtime or they upset my stomach.  I'm also supplementing with DHA (when I remember to take it). 

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