Pregnant after 35

CBEFM success stories please and/or progresterone levels.

Hi all~ I hope you don't mind if I stop in here and ask questions. I got tested on Monday on progresterone, prolactin and my thyroid levels. She did the blood work and said everything was normal but my progesterone is @ a low normal. Range is between 5 and 10. Mine was @ 5.7. I didn't test in the morning (it was late afternoon) and I also didn't fast. She didn't seem too concerned and told me to track my cycles for 2 more months and if no pregnancy, she will do more testing. My DH told me to get the best stuff out on the market to track so I got a fertility monitor. I am hoping that will take the stress off of trying to figure things out and allow us to be more relaxed and enjoy everything.

I would like to know your success stories with the CBEFM. Also if you have had your progresterone checked, what were your levels?


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Re: CBEFM success stories please and/or progresterone levels.

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    Hi-first off, was your Progesterone tested at 7DPO? Some MD's order it for day 21 of your cycle, and that asssumes ovulation on day 14. At 7DPO, mine was 19. I did get pregnant the following cycle, but then it was 17 something, so i was on supplemental progesteone until 11 weeks. Are you also charting? I used the CBEFM and found it helpful (showing peak in morning, so i had a heads uo we should have sex that day or night). Lastly, how long have you been trying? If its been longer than 6 mos, i would not wait too much longer before getting to an RE.
    b/w=FSH 15.6, AMH 0.4 surprise natural BFP on 3/12/11
    DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d


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    I got pregnant 3x using my CBEFM. Including my daughter- that cycle I ovulated 5 days late. If I had been using OPKs, I would have assumed I missed my LH surge but the CBEFM knew what it was doing and as a result we got busy when we might not have otherwise.Obviously, if there are any underlying problems it can't overcome those.

    I've never had my progesterone checked so I can't help there. 

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    We used the CBEFM and conceived during the 2nd cycle. Not sure if that's what did it or not, but it did track the differences in ovulation between the 2 months (they were about 3-4 days different). I probably would have missed it without. I did day 21 progesterone which was 34, but I had conceived by then but didn't know it yet. It was worth every penny for me as it made things easier. I couldn't temp accurately because I have such crazy sleep patterns.
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    i got pg the first try with my son using the CBEFM ... i really like the clarity of results (rather than having to interpret darkness of lines, etc.)

    used it this time ttc as well ... when we weren't successful, went the fertility meds route and those affect the results of the CBEFM. 

    don't recall ever having my progesterone tested ... 

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    I used a CBEDOT last time we TTC - results in sig. Will get the same when we TTC again.
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    We had been trying for 4 months. On the 5th month I tried CBEFM & it worked. I didn't even use it the whole month, just around when I knew I'd be ovulating & then of course we tried a few times during the days indicated by CBEFM.
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    The first month I used the CBEFM I got pg.  It unfortunately ended in a mc, and this is the first month we are ttc again.  I am hoping it works again!  As for progesterone - I have never been tested to my knowledge but after seeing so many ladies post about it here, I asked my doc about it and I think she said that's only tested if you have a short LP or spotting or something?  I am not 100% positive, I just know she didn't think I needed to test for it.
    Me-42 DH-43 TTC #1 since 3/11
    HSG 7/11 showed possible blockage
    8/11 BFP, then early m/c  (Natural)
    9/11 blood tests reveal Factor V Leiden (heterozygous)
    11/11 Hysteroscopy revealed uterine septum, which was repaired
    12/11 1st round of Clomid (100mg)=BFN
    1/12 2nd round of Clomid (100mg)=BFN 
    2/12 Repeat HSG=All clear 
    2/12 IUI with injectables #1=BFN 
    3/12 natural cycle=BFN 
    4/12 IUI with injectables #2=C/P 
    7/12 IVF #1=30ER, 9F, 3T, 1 Frostie 7/29=BFP! 
    8/27/12 No Heartbeat. Waiting to M/C 
    9/13/12 D+C
    12/12 Operative Hysteroscopy 
    1/31/12  IVF#2 ...BFP 2/6 m/c 2/12 methotrexate due to presumed ectopic
    July '13 IVF #3: 13R, 10M, 8F=BFP
    1st Beta=549  2nd Beta 594 3rd Beta 422. M/C #5
    IVF#4 in November=BFP…TWINS!!!!!

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