Pregnant after 35

Just for fun!

We had our NT scan the other day and everything looks good and I just hit 13 weeks so we are starting to tell family and friends when we see them about the baby and of course I am already getting baby predictions. 

We are not finding out the sex of our LO but just curious for those that did find out what was your baby's heartrate and what sex is it?  You can discuss previous pregnencies too :) I know it has no bearing but thought it would be fun to see if the wives tale has any truth to it that a lower heart rate means a boy and higher means a girl. 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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Re: Just for fun!

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    Sorry doesn't mean a thing.My son's heartbeat has always been around 145. Same for all of my kids.All of their heartbeats have been 140+.  I have three boys, soon four, and one girl.

    Supposedly if heartbeat is

    140+ = girl

    139 - =boy


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    Heart rate means nothing. From 7-12 weeks my sons HR was 170-155. Now, with my home doppler its about 140 but it declines as pregnancy progresses so its not indicative of much. Sorry!
    b/w=FSH 15.6, AMH 0.4 surprise natural BFP on 3/12/11
    DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d


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    We had our first sono roughly a little around your time.  The heart beat was 156.  When I was just shy of 8 weeks pregnant, we told some friends of ours and their grandmother came out (she's, I don't know, 80 and from Lebanon). They translated my news.  She gave me the crooked head look, put out her hand and pronounced it was going to be a boy.  All the old-wives tales things and chinese calendar stuff pointed to it being a girl (I have two girls and one boy brother only had girls, so I figured I had all this "girl power" that the likelihood of it being a boy was not high).

    Had a a/s last month and it's a boy! 

    {edited to add:  apparently the grandmother correctly predicted all five of the pregnancies of her daughter} 

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    The baby had a heartbeat of 152 at the 12 week ultrasound.  It's now between 130 and 140.  It's a girl!

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    I am due when You are and am team green too! we skipped the NT scan. My heart rate was 133 at 6 weeks. we have not heard it yet with doppler. that will be at 15 weeks. I think I am having a boy if I had to guess. easy pregnancy so far.
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    Nah I am not trying to figure out what I am having I like surprises.  Like I said it was just for fun.  My sister has 3 kids and didn't find out gender before hand with any of them and with my 1st niece her heart rate was always high, my nephew was low but my last niece was also low.

    I don't believe in any of that stuff just thought it would be interesting to see what people said.

    Thanks for playing along :) 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    DD1- Heart rate=150- girl

    This baby heart rate=160, gender unknown.

    If there is any validity to the heartrate thing, this one is definitely a girl. But only time will tell. 

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