Pregnant after 35

Ive had the yuckiest few days :(

Ive had no indigestion or anything and been feeling pretty good and sleeping pretty well too. Until a few nights ago....

All of a sudden I had stomach cramps and heartburn like ive never had before (3rd pregnancy) I thought I had gastro. I still cannot lay down. 

One night I got up 3 times thinking i was going to vomit , and the stomach cramping like crazy. 

Saw my ob yesterday and said "Ill be honest, im feeling pretty crappy" told him why. He did an ultrasound and had a feel of my tummy. "Theres the problem" he said. My daughters head is ramming my stomach. No amount of antacids or anything will work till she moves. Ugh its so awful! 

Finally today I think shes moved a bit to the side and ive been able to eat today. 

Last night I had a small glass of water and felt the urge to vomit, but today im fine. Ive been pushing her  gently to try get her moving. 

I def could not deal with this for another 14 weeks! Hopefully she will turn right around soon.

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Re: Ive had the yuckiest few days :(

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    Oh no!  That does not sound like fun :(  Hope she makes a permanent move and leaves your tummy alone.  Feel better!

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    Oh ick! I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. Reading your post, I thought you must be 30-something weeks along with a big, growing baby. Darn it, you're only a couple weeks ahead of me. I hope your baby moves soon!


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    Yeah i was amazed  too that she inflicted so much pain so soon lol. Update though - she has moved off to the side - I can feel her big head easily now haha. Im feeling much better now and had a normal nights sleep last night and no more need to vomit.Phew!! I def couldnt handle 14 weeks of that!


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    I'm so sorry to hear that but you shed some light on what the heck might be happening with me too. 

    I suddenly felt like hell the last 4 days.  I cant eat or drink without the urge to vomit.  Kieran has decided to make the most of his room I guess and shoves my organ and stuff out of his way.  Most of the time he is kickin my stomach and occassionally I swear my liver.

    I hope that you get some relief soon.

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    Ive had no problems this week :) All back to normal. Not even any indigestion. Just fat hahaha
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