LOL..I usually post on the IF board, but I was lurking here tonight, because I have had 2 cosmos! So, I'm feeling it a little too CHEERS!
Ellen & Chris 5/6/06
TTC Since 10/2007 with no luck and a 'go with the flow' attitude
1/1010 FINALLY decided to have testing done, dx MFI
7/2010 - DH starts Clomid to increase testosterone and hopefully sperm count
10/2010 - Still low (but improved) sperm count.
11/30/10 - IUI #1 and only = BFN
February 2011 - IVF #1 w/ ICSI =
Chemical PG (Beta 1: 10, Beta 2: 19, Beta 3: 17) :-(
April 2011 - IVF #2 w/ ICSI = BFN :-(
September 2011 - IVF #3 w/ ICSI = BFFN
November 2011 - AMH level tested - .83 (normal for age range)
February 2012 - IVF #4 w/ ICSI = (best response ever yet still) BFFN
April 2012 - DNA testing - NORMAL, RE suggests cycling again with own eggs or using DE
On Break indefinitely...not sure we can afford the emotional and financial roller coaster anymore.
lolz. I've only had wine tonight - no mixing so I'm hoping I'll be good. DH has to go into the office for a little bit tomorrow so my ass can sleep the fluck in. Party on Wayne
DX PCOS w/IR 01/08. Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
I had a HORRIBLE day at work, so i came home & was planning on polishing off a bottle of wine...but no wine!!! but i had some blueberry vodka in the freezer, and that is definitely working it's magic
DH just laughed hysterically at me because he's watching a show, and on the show someone was cutting with a powersaw, and i yelled at him to turn off the saw i can't hear LOLOL
yea, i'm a spaz to begin with, so me + alcohol, usually = stupidity LOL
Cheers to us all!!!! xoxo
**~*Noelle*~** Happily Wed DH in May 2010 June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Sorry about your shitty day MrsNap! i'll share my wine with you
**~*Noelle*~** Happily Wed DH in May 2010 June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
**~*Noelle*~** Happily Wed DH in May 2010 June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
hahaha i so feel like i'm at a sleepover right now! LoL
**~*Noelle*~** Happily Wed DH in May 2010 June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
after we play the ouija board and find out who we'll marry...
i'm hoping for edward cullen
**~*Noelle*~** Happily Wed DH in May 2010 June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
DH & I just got home from the bar from a night out with friends, he is wayyyy to drunky for words, i wish i could have tape recorded the jibberish that came out of his mouth for him to hear tomorrow!!! I literally had to lift his legs onto the bed and tuck him in LOL
at least i have time to relax
cheers to a very drunky weekend for us IF'rs
**~*Noelle*~** Happily Wed DH in May 2010 June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Re: I iz drunk
TTC Since 10/2007 with no luck and a 'go with the flow' attitude
1/1010 FINALLY decided to have testing done, dx MFI
7/2010 - DH starts Clomid to increase testosterone and hopefully sperm count
10/2010 - Still low (but improved) sperm count.
11/30/10 - IUI #1 and only = BFN
February 2011 - IVF #1 w/ ICSI =
Chemical PG (Beta 1: 10, Beta 2: 19, Beta 3: 17) :-(
April 2011 - IVF #2 w/ ICSI = BFN :-(
September 2011 - IVF #3 w/ ICSI = BFFN
November 2011 - AMH level tested - .83 (normal for age range)
February 2012 - IVF #4 w/ ICSI = (best response ever yet still) BFFN
April 2012 - DNA testing - NORMAL, RE suggests cycling again with own eggs or using DE
On Break indefinitely...not sure we can afford the emotional and financial roller coaster anymore.
YAY drunk!!!!!
Booo hangovers.. No hangovers for you!!!!
2/06 - surprise pregnancy - twins
3/06 - m/c 1st baby at 6 weeks
5/06 -2nd baby had no heartbeat at 14 wks.
D&E - Bled out. Blood transfusions. Week in ICU - Cheated Death!
Diagnosis: Blood clotting and bleeding disorder, immune issues, & cervical stenosis
5/10 - 1st IVF cycle - BFN
FET - 10/12/10 - BFN
1/11 - IVF with PGD - BFN
IVF - May - BFN
6/11 New RE - fingers crossed!
9/11 - IVF - 4 transferred
10/13 - BFP!!
It's a boy! Clint Michael, Due in June!!!
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
Why hello. Stick around and play with us more often. We don't bite.
Clink Clink
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
I had a HORRIBLE day at work, so i came home & was planning on polishing off a bottle of wine...but no wine!!! but i had some blueberry vodka in the freezer, and that is definitely working it's magic
DH just laughed hysterically at me because he's watching a show, and on the show someone was cutting with a powersaw, and i yelled at him to turn off the saw i can't hear LOLOL
yea, i'm a spaz to begin with, so me + alcohol, usually = stupidity LOL
Cheers to us all!!!! xoxo
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Sorry about your shitty day MrsNap! i'll share my wine with you
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
omfg. tell me they are either coconut or peanut.
I think i need popcorn right now...
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
hahaha i so feel like i'm at a sleepover right now! LoL
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
can we put on makeup and braid each others hair while watching The Breakfast club?
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
after we play the ouija board and find out who we'll marry...
i'm hoping for edward cullen
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
I don't know that I can stay over anymore.
This is a no twilight zone up in my slumber party.
We can play dream phone though.
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
lol, not too bad this morning...I saw you checked in at the bar last night ;-)
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
I'm a little drunky myself too!!! DH and I were celebrating our anniversary!! Oysters and booze!!!!!
Melon mojitos are delicious!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers ladies!
2/06 - surprise pregnancy - twins
3/06 - m/c 1st baby at 6 weeks
5/06 -2nd baby had no heartbeat at 14 wks.
D&E - Bled out. Blood transfusions. Week in ICU - Cheated Death!
Diagnosis: Blood clotting and bleeding disorder, immune issues, & cervical stenosis
5/10 - 1st IVF cycle - BFN
FET - 10/12/10 - BFN
1/11 - IVF with PGD - BFN
IVF - May - BFN
6/11 New RE - fingers crossed!
9/11 - IVF - 4 transferred
10/13 - BFP!!
It's a boy! Clint Michael, Due in June!!!
DH & I just got home from the bar from a night out with friends, he is wayyyy to drunky for words, i wish i could have tape recorded the jibberish that came out of his mouth for him to hear tomorrow!!! I literally had to lift his legs onto the bed and tuck him in LOL
at least i have time to relax
cheers to a very drunky weekend for us IF'rs
Happily Wed DH in May 2010
June 2012: DD#1 born after countless fertility cycles, our 4 year old miracle
TTC #2: current cycle: 225iu Menopur for 4 weeks, Ovidrel Trigger= BFP! Beta #1; 333, Beta #2 713! 1st u/s showed TWINS (7/18)
2/06 - surprise pregnancy - twins
3/06 - m/c 1st baby at 6 weeks
5/06 -2nd baby had no heartbeat at 14 wks.
D&E - Bled out. Blood transfusions. Week in ICU - Cheated Death!
Diagnosis: Blood clotting and bleeding disorder, immune issues, & cervical stenosis
5/10 - 1st IVF cycle - BFN
FET - 10/12/10 - BFN
1/11 - IVF with PGD - BFN
IVF - May - BFN
6/11 New RE - fingers crossed!
9/11 - IVF - 4 transferred
10/13 - BFP!!
It's a boy! Clint Michael, Due in June!!!
TTC since March 2009 // Me and DH - 28
Testing Summer/Fall 2010 - Unexplained IF
IUIs #1-4 ~ Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IUI #5 ~ Femara/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ BFN
IUIs #6-9 ~ Research Study Meds/Pregnyl/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IVF Consultation, More Testing
Diagnostic Cycle ~ Mucinex/Progesterone/TI ~ BFN
IVF #1 ~ Menopur/Bravelle/Ganirelix/Novarel/Progesterone/Lupron
7R, 6F // 2 transferred // 3 frosties ~ BFN
FET #1 ~ Estrace/PIO/Lupron
3 thawed // 2 transferred // 1 lost // no more frosties ~ BFP!!
Beta #1 - 456 // Beta #2 - 1176 // Beta #3 - 2933 // Beta #4 - 6753
EDD: May 16, 2013
Bedrest for SCH // 6w2d through 10w1d
Elevated TSH and Lazy Thyroid DX @ 10w - Started Synthroid
Finally released from RE at 13w
~~ My IF Blog ~~