
Would this annoy you?

I haven't seen my brother and his wife in over 3 years, which was the last time we traveled to see them (they live out of state).  Ian was only about 14 months when we saw them, and they haven't met Max.  Anyway, SIL emails me about 6 weeks ago saying they are thinking of coming up here next weekend for my brother's and mom's birthdays.  I wrote back saying I never go anywhere, but that weekend I'd be gone in NYC with a friend and can't they make it another weekend so I'd be here?  They are driving and staying at my mom/dad's, so no real reservations to worry about, and work times off could be flexible.

Nope, got an email this week that they are coming.  WTF - I mean their plans don't have to hinge on me I guess, but have fun spending time w/my family without me?

Just a vent I guess...kind of annoying.

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Re: Would this annoy you?

  • I guess it depends on the situation but for me, honestly no. If I hadn't seen my sister in that long and she told me she was coming for a weekend, I'd probably reschedule my own plans. We could never stand to be apart that long though. My brother...him I could stand to not see for 3 years.  ;)
  • Honestly, yeah, I'd be annoyed, but I guess he could be thinking, geez, why can't she change her plans when I haven't seen her in 3 years? 

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  • imageAggieCouple:

    Honestly, yeah, I'd be annoyed, but I guess he could be thinking, geez, why can't she change her plans when I haven't seen her in 3 years? 

    Well said. 

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • Yeah, except I had flights and hotels already paid for and planned since like March, and they said "oh we're thinking of coming..." like 6 weeks ago. 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • I'd be annoyed as well.  It's not like you are just going to be out of town someplace close and could change your plans.  You've got plane tickets and hotels booked out of state, and a friend that you are going with as well.  Not like you can ditch the friend last minute on an out of state trip. 

    That stinks that your brother isn't willing to be more flexible.  Hope you have a good time on your trip, though!

    DS1 5/2010, DS2 11/2012
  • imagejust.a.lurker:

    I'd be annoyed as well.  It's not like you are just going to be out of town someplace close and could change your plans.  You've got plane tickets and hotels booked out of state, and a friend that you are going with as well.  Not like you can ditch the friend last minute on an out of state trip. 

    That stinks that your brother isn't willing to be more flexible.  Hope you have a good time on your trip, though!

  • I'd be annoyed as well, as long as you have been upfront all along that you would be out of town this particular weekend (which it sounds like you were), and wouldn't be able to easily change your plans, and would *love* it if they could consider coming a different weekend so you could see them too.  Bummer :(
    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
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