Pregnant after 35

Convinced that I must be a mutant

Sure I'm happy that in December I will have my lil man.  Sure I'm thrilled that he is doing so well.  Sure I am looking forward to raising him.

But OMG people - if one more of you talk about how emotionally sentimental you are over the pregnancy I may have to puke.  This is the sucky part of having a baby from my perspective.  I don't want to hear another woman try to tell me how it is sooooo wonderful to be pregnant.  And then asking me - don't you just love it?

I have to lie and say oh yeah I love it.  Otherwise I get the evil glare of OMG you're sick - you don't like being stuffed up, constipated, unable to eat most everything you liked before you got pregnant, getting endless pounds of advice from strangers and family, having strangers think your life and body are now a public park, having moods are completely insane, leaking crap from your nipples, peeing while sneezing and being exhausted 24/7?

No I hate this experience so far.  The only joy I have had is getting to feel lil man kick a few times.  But since I have an anterior placenta - I get to feel very little movement.  But still have to have a kick count now....ummmm....hello? How?

So if you are gonna preach to me about the miracles and joys - please go elsewhere and don't waste your time.  Talk to me when my son is out in the world where I can see and touch him without having to have all the awful pregnancy symptoms.

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Re: Convinced that I must be a mutant

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    LOL!!!  Yeah, I gotta agree....can't wait to see my little one, and I know all these symptoms will definitely be worth it in the end, but I sure can do without the sore boobs and constant morning sickness. Ick!
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    I don't even bother lying to people.....I hate being pregnant and am not afraid to say it. No one ever said it was a a requirement to like or love it. I am so happy I will never be pregnant again after Monday!!!!! I hate the journey, but love the result! 
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    You crack me up!  You're not a mutant!  I feel the same way!  I can't wait to be done with being pregnant!!!!!!!!!!  Scientists need to seriously work on figuring a way to let men carry babies!  
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    I'm completely agree! It's exciting to know the end result is your beautiful baby, but this whole journey of being sick, tired and in pain sucks!
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    With how men are with a cold they could never manage carrying a baby.

    Especially - where would they carry the baby?  I mean yikes.... They dont have a womb like us - maybe in their scrotum?  LMAO sorry had to have a visual to make a joke....

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    With how men are with a cold they could never manage carrying a baby.

    This!  I would much rather have all of the discomfort I'm feeling now instead of dealing with DH if he was knocked up!  He expects the world to stop turning when he doesn't feel well.  It truly is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.  LOL

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    i happen to love being pg ... mainly for the amazing orgasms and being pg reduced the symptoms of some annoying auto immune conditions i have (ie: psorisias, etc).

    that being said, you are totally entitled to feel how you do, and no one should put their experiences on you.  my friend puked 2 times a day - every day - through out both her pregnancies ... needless to say, she did NOT enjoy those month.  i am continually surprised that people refuse to allow other people different feelings and experiences.  i was really upset after my c/s ... doesn't matter that other people felt great about their experience, mine sucked and i hated how i was supposed to not have negative feelings.

    anyway, not a mutant ... feel your feelings and tell everyone else where to go. 

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    I have almost zero experiences that you've shared.  Including the ability to feel my LO kick (I've not felt anything thus far).  Then I look at how far along you are compared to me and figure the next couple of weeks just may be the transition period.  I've been happy (not emotionally sentimental) lately only because my first tri  was so full of yuck (morning sickness, nausea, unable to eat, nothing tastes/smells/feels good, exhausted, and more)...that this little bit of stuffiness and back ache hasn't bothered me a bit.  None of the early/mid/late pregnancy symptoms are glamorous, really...but I'm glad to hear some are enjoying the ride.  Seriously, if people ask you to join in on the "it's so wonderful" bandwagon, you *don't have to* agree.  Let them know it has been rough.  Sounds like keeping it quiet is making you have the negativity.  
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    I hate being pregnant, both pregnancies. It's funny because I have the easiest pregnancies and people say I am glowing. I can't wait until this pregnancy is over because we will be done after that and I'll never have to be pregnant again. I want my body back.

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    Until I got PG I was all for having 2.  Then I realized that this was NOT fun - NOT enjoyable and that the people I have around me are delusional and not supportive at all. 

    We planned this lil guy and all was well.  We moved home and thought that we would stop trying in order to make the transition back to both of us working and a home first - but lil guy had a plan for us that we did not get to wait - he was ready to plant himself in finally and that was that.

    We did not expect my husband's job offer to fall through - leaving us homeless living with family - my job not paying the original salary based on the location they put me in.  Nor the promised family thrown baby shower to be cancelled on us. And my lack of friends left in our hometown to be so immense. 

    Vocalizing my discontent about pregnancy gets me chewed from here to kingdom come when they ask me how I feel - I say I'm hangin in there - and all I get back is - what the hell does that mean????

    I am in a vicious cycle with the SILs and can't believe that they are my only help and contact....until I can regain my cash flow and my husband can get any job our poor child will be having to be exposed to the insanity of the people we are around. 

    I swear I feel so sorry for my poor baby that his mother is such a screw up that she can't even provide a stable home for him anymore. 

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    I totally agree with you.  This is baby #2 for me and I hated it during #1.  Thought no way would I ever do this again.  But the end result is the most precious thing in life so here I am again.  We are definitely done after this one though (decided before being pregnant).  I am wishing away the 25 weeks I have left...can't wait for this to be over!  9 months is a long time!
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    Until I got PG I was all for having 2.  Then I realized that this was NOT fun - NOT enjoyable and that the people I have around me are delusional and not supportive at all. 

    We planned this lil guy and all was well.  We moved home and thought that we would stop trying in order to make the transition back to both of us working and a home first - but lil guy had a plan for us that we did not get to wait - he was ready to plant himself in finally and that was that.

    We did not expect my husband's job offer to fall through - leaving us homeless living with family - my job not paying the original salary based on the location they put me in.  Nor the promised family thrown baby shower to be cancelled on us. And my lack of friends left in our hometown to be so immense. 

    Vocalizing my discontent about pregnancy gets me chewed from here to kingdom come when they ask me how I feel - I say I'm hangin in there - and all I get back is - what the hell does that mean????

    I am in a vicious cycle with the SILs and can't believe that they are my only help and contact....until I can regain my cash flow and my husband can get any job our poor child will be having to be exposed to the insanity of the people we are around. 

    I swear I feel so sorry for my poor baby that his mother is such a screw up that she can't even provide a stable home for him anymore. 

    Jerzee, you are not a screw up.  You're making the best out of a bad situation.  No matter what happens that baby will be loved and hugged and kissed and happy.  He won't even know to complain about things until he's a preteen and by then you'll be on to better pastures and much, much happier.

    Stop beating yourself up.  This is aaaaaaallll temporary (except for the SILs, I'm pretty sure you're stuck with them).  Things will get better.  Trust me.

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