Cloth Diapering

How do you wash used wool?

I have read several posts about how people clean used diapers to get out all the nasties - stripping, bleach, extra hot washes, etc.  But how do you washed used wool?  Obviously, you wouldn't want to do any of the things I just mentioned, because you don't want to damage the wool.  So what do you do to make sure it's nice and clean?

Re: How do you wash used wool?

  • I just wash it as normal with a little bit of gentle soap. (you can use baby wash or dr. bronner's or whatever you prefer) and "scrub" a little to get the nasties out... that's it. Then rinse it in cool water in the basin and then soak in lanolin + warm water and then dry and spray some lanolin on it.
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  • It depends on the condition.  If it looks good, I just wash with wool wash and lanolize.  If it is grungie, I strip it wih dawn, rinse well, wool wash and then lanolize.
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  • I just handwash in baby wash, rinse well, and then lanolize.
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