I had twin girls three weeks ago and at times I feel like what did we do?? We have two older kids 11 and 9 so its been a LONG time since we have had a baby in the house let alone two! I feel absolutely horrible saying that because I love them so much and we fought long and hard for them but I feel so incredibly overwhelmed. When does it get bearable? I have heard over and over that the first 6 weeks are the hardest so if that is true I am halfway there!! Please tell me that it gets "easier" or at least that I am not alone in feeling this way!
Re: When does it get better?
The girls are my first babies, so I dont know what it is like to have other children at home and 2 newborns. BUT i can tell you it DOES get better SOON. For us, it was when the girls turned 5 weeks. They started sleeping more then 2 hours at time at night. Only about 3-4 hours at a time around 5 weeks but still made it MUCH easier to function all day and night. I'd say between 6-8 weeks was our real turn around.
The first 5 weeks I just felt like a zombie all the time. It was HARD. At 3mo they started STTN which is a miracle to us lol. I thank babywise and miracle blankets for that. GL and hang in there
The first 6 weeks are really, really hard. You are just on auto pilot and going throught he motions. It got better around 5ish weeks for me, when they started to smile at me, that helped. Then when they were able to be a little more idependent, sitting up, holding head better, stuff like it gets better!
The thing that really helped me was that on my maternity leave people would come over in the afternoon and I would just sleep (for like 3-4 hours) And at night I was lucky to average 3 hours at night.
I will tell you, that the twins will be one next week, and we are all sleeping through the night now, I'm much happier, and so are they. When I was three weeks in it felt like it would never end, and now here we are, at almost a year and I will have to say, I'm loving every minute of it!
Hang in there, it WILL get better!
You are definitely not alone in feeling this way. I felt like that for the first few weeks, and then around 6 weeks, things got easier, and the feeling went away for the most part. Around 4-6 months were pure hell b/c of the 4-month sleep regression, colds, growth spurts, etc. and the feeling came back, and I think I was dealing with some PPD. But, at 7 months when they started sleeping better, everything finally got easier and things fell into place, I stopped feeling that way, and started really enjoying the babies. They are just so wonderful now. What you're going through is normal. It's a huge life change, no matter how long you tried for it.
Good luck!
definately get miracle blankets, they were an enormous help for us. The receiving blankets were crap compared to them LOL.
I see you got your siggy pic added too, ADORABLEE!
Hang in there!
I know how hard it is in the beginning but it does get easier, I promise. I found things getting much better after 3 or 4 months and now I'm outright LOVING having multiples after feeling exactly as you do in the early days.
Those days feel like a huge blur now.
I shudder to remember the first couple of months when the twins were born. It was cold and miserable here and they screamed. A lot.
It gets better. Promise. It didn't get better for me for a long time and I still have plenty of days where I would rather curl up in the fetal position and sleep but c'est la vie. When they started STTN a consistent 10-12 hours and napping regularly throughout the day it made a HUGE difference. That didn't happen for us until 6 months though.
My guys are 10 months and hilarious. My husband and I were laughing at them and their antics so hard yesterday that I couldn't catch my breath and had tears streaming down my face.
This. Except we have girls and they're 9 months old.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
I always say that the first 6 weeks were the hardest. Once the girls started sleeping 7 hour stretches around Week 9 it got so much easier. The hardest part for me was not getting any sleep.
By 3 months we were very settled with our new lives and felt like it was our new normal.
I swear by the Miracle Blanket. They totally live up to their name!!!
You're in the really difficult stage right now- just hang in there!
Double this except mine are B/G and 9 months.
The first milestone back to "normalcy" for me was when they dropped the nighttime feeding at 11 weeks. Not having to feed babies at 2:30 am was one of the happiest days of my life. It feels like forever but you get through those first few months.