
Babies are here! Long post.

On August 1 (37 weeks and 1 day), I delivered two healthy baby boys: Jack Bradbury and Colin Charles. My delivery was amazing. Honestly, I was so, so scared going into the induction and it ended up being easier than going into labor naturally with my DD.


On Sunday night, I showed up at the hospital for the tablet to soften my cervix, but since I was already 3 cm, they sent me home to get some sleep. In fact, they gave me an ambien to sleep and it was the BEST sleep I got in 6 months. I arrived at 7 on Monday morning, and by 9, the pitocin drip started. Not much was happening and they kept checking me and there was not a lot of dilation so they kept going with the pitocin. I was starting to get uncomfortable but NOTHING like the pain I felt with my daughters labor. At 2 they broke my water and the contractions started strong. I quickly asked for my epidural and by 3:30 was taking a nice nap. At 6 they checked me and I was still at a 5, so my doctor said, "this might be a long night"


Around 8:15, I thought my epidural had worn off because I was starting to feel some strong contractions. I rang the nurse and told her. When I confirmed that it was contractions not pressure I was feeling, she called the anesthesiologist and the doc. The doc checked me and sure enough I was at a plus 2. Within minutes, they were wheeling me into the labor and delivery room. My husband and mom were frantically trying to get scrubs on and I just hoped they made it in time because the docs were making me think I was going to deliver in the hallway.


At 8:49, after 3 pushes, Colin Charles arrived. He weighed 6.6 lbs and is 19 inches. At 8:51 after 2 pushes, Jack Bradbury arrived. He weighed 6.6 lbs and is 19.5 inches.

 I know they are identical because they were mono di, but I swear they don't look alike to me...yet. When they do begin to confuse us, we have a small advantage as Jack has a little patch of white hair on the back of his head. The nurse called it an angel kiss :)


Thanks to everyone for your advice during this pregnancy. And, for those that are as scared as I was for an induction and vaginal delivery, I hope you can take some peace from my story.


Here are some pics from my blog - it's a slideshow and kind of long, but thought some might enjoy it.

Here is my blog:


Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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