DH and I cannot agree on a name if this baby is a boy! He insisted that our first son be Ezra. I tended to be more in favor of a name a little less weird, I guess. But now we both really like it. The trouble is that we are tryign to come up with another boy name.
He wants to go with Logan, but I have two Logans in my family already and I just don't like the name. He also likes Tyler but I feel that it is way too "nomal" compared to Ezra. I do like names to follow a similar theme. Our saved name for our (hopefully soon) daughter is a Hebrew name beginning with A. Ezra is a Hebrew name meaning Helper (yes, we care about the meaning). So I am hoping for a vowel name OR a hebrew name, something in the same family.
I was going for Ezekiel or Elijah, but DH thinks it is too similar and says he hates the names. But I don't want one child to have a name that is so different than Ezra and A. I am also VERY against any name that could go with either gender.
We don't want to give our child a terrible name they will hate. PLease, do you have any suggestions???
Re: Sibling name rivalry!
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
My favorite E Jewish/Hebrew name is Eli, but Eliot is also nice.
And IMO, Ezra is not weird at all and is a very common Hebrew/Jewish name.
Ezra and Seth
Ezra and Asher
Ezra and Saul
Ezra and Caleb
Ezra and Micah
Ezra and Isaac
Ezra and Noah
Baby Name Popularity by State
Also, I agree with pps that Ezra is not "weird." It's a very classic name that's not too popular or tied to a particular generation (ie, it's not "dated"). I have known Ezras of different ages in my life.
The nice thing about the Old Testament: there are a ton of boys' names.
....try searching biblical Hebrew names. You will find something that goes with Ezra and your girls' name. Promise.
Isaiah-God is salvation
Benjamin-son of my right hand
Evan-God is good
Levi-joined in harmony
Moses-drawn out of the water
Jonah-a dove
Abraham-father of many nations
Nathaniel-gift from God
Isaac-he will laugh
The meaning of names influenced my choice too
These are courtesy of DH whose father is Israeli...
Ariel, Ari, Evan, Igor, Eleazar, Amit, Aiden, Adam, Alon, Asher, Abraham/Avraham, Ayal
he said to look on www.kveller.com
DH's father is Chaim, no one has a problem pronouncing it.