Why won't my kid f*cking stay asleep past 5 am?
No matter what time he goes to bed--- last night we had a play date until 930 pm, didn't get home and in bed until after 10. Still up at 5 am despite his usual bedtime of 8 pm.
I'm sitting here exhausted today. Exhausted and tearful.
I know I am PMSing, but by Friday I have hit my brink every f*cking week of waking up at 5 am every.damn.day.
It is stupid, but I am resentful towards my exH because he has to get up in the mornings with him a whole 4 mornings a month. Must be rough, eh? WHICH IS POINTLESS AND I REMIND MYSELF THAT IT GETS ME NO WHERE TO BE BITTER TOWARDS HIM.
I've tried it all-- alarm clocks, signs, bribery, movies (which is always my last resort because i don't really believe in sitting him infront of any screen), taking him back to bed, shades. Not a f*cking thing!
Re: Going to drop the F-bomb in regards to my own child.
does he still take naps? DD was waking up around 5:30 when she was taking naps, we dropped the nap and now she is sleeping till 7am. She takes rest time, she lays in her bed and looks at books for about 30-45 mins.If she falls asleep during that time which is rarely she is up at 5:30am.
DD 1/29/07 -
My DS is the exact same way but only on the weekends. I'll be dead asleep and I'll feel this tapping on my arm.
Never fails - i HAVE to get up at 5 am during the week and he has to be up by 6:30 for school. Its a struggle to wake him up every single day. Saturday and Sunday? Tapping on my arm at 5. I don't understand it at all.
Our boys weren't much better than that for the longest time - it was making us very irritable - I get up way earlier than that during the week for work, so on the weekends, I want to stay in bed until 7 at least PLEASE! So the new rule is that if they wake up before 7, they can get up/go to the bathroom/whatever, and then they go back into their room to play (we'll usually leave a bin on the floor of their cars or trains or their puzzle bin, etc). quietly, or come lay in bed with us. I don't need to sleep that late, but I do need to relax that long. It works out well - they get some quiet time to start the day, and I get to stay in bed a little longer. I'm hoping and praying that now that it is staying dark out a little longer they will start sleeping in a bit more!
I am sorry. My almost 4 year old was waking up at 5:30am and I was still waking up multiple times a night with by baby and it was sending me over the edge. I know you said you tried lights and bribes already, but this is what is kind of working for us right now. I got him this:
and we set it for 7am. The first week or so I bribed him with things like donuts for breakfast if he stayed in his room until it changed color etc. He still wakes up early-but now it is like 6:15/6:30ish, but he stays in his room. I told him he can turn on the lights, look at books, do whatever he wants as long as it is in his room and quiet. But now the baby is waking up at 6:15am every morning, regardless of when he goes to bed, and he is still waking up at night. How is it as much as I love to sleep, I got two kids who think sleep is the enemy?! I feel your pain. I hope something changes soon and you can get some more rest.
So, therefore, I am too cheap to buy another 'device' that will not last past the novelty stage for him.
I feel your pain. Not 5am pain, but not long after. We have the clock, but he ignores it.
I will say that the time change will make a difference for us. I noticed that the mornings that it was really dark and rainy, both kids slept until 8am.!!!!!! But those stupid fvckers have extended DST until what, November?
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
My DS was like that. Every.single.morning. getting up at 5:15 or 5:30. It's so painful. And he would wake up earlier if he went to bed later
He stays in bed a little longer now (6:30 or so), but there was nothing we did to do it. We just kept shoving him into his room every morning. He has learned that he has to stay in his room with the door closed until then. He plays with his cars, reads books, or does his magnadoodle until then. Yes, I can hear him, but at least I am still cozy in my bed. And I wish I could say that it works all the time, but it doesn't.
So, no real advice from me, just sympathy and (((hugs))).
We don't have cable, and the only DVD/TV is in our bedroom (which hasn't even been turned on for WEEKS).
He just feels the need to come in and pester us.
"i'm playing with cars."
"The cat attacked me.
"My pillow is blue."
"I can't find toby."
"Where are my wooden tracks?"
Jackson was getting up at like 6:30 for awhile (which, I know, still later than 5, but hello, no one in my house is allowed up before 8. I can't function before 8), so we did a couple things. We bought blackout liner and made curtains for his room, so his room is pitch black at all times. We just have a cheapie alarm clock, so he is told that when until the first number is 8, he can only leave his room to go to the bathroom and he has to be quiet. If he isn't, he loses privileges for the day (this varies based on what he is most into at the time - playing with his BFF down the street, his 30m of video games w/ Daddy after dinner, etc.). And then we enforced the sh*t out of it, and have been super consistent. This morning, after months of being good about being quiet, he was being super loud reading to himself. So I went in there and he lost privileges. He threw a fit, but a) he's old enough to be quiet in his room and b) he KNOWS the rules.
Admittedly, our rules were more born out of the fact that he was waking Scarlett up from being so loud and then she was a screaming mess due to lack of sleep. So it was very easy for me to lay the smackdown.
Anyway, once the rule was made and enforced, he started sleeping later. Probably partially due to the complete darkness of his room and partially due to realizing that he was going to be bored if he didn't sleep longer (and end up in trouble). Eventually, he started sleeping until around 8. Sometimes he is up earlier, but he is quiet and doesn't wake me up.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
Is it possible for him to go to bed earlier? Even just a half hour might make the difference.
My son is younger than yours, but if he goes to bed at 9, he starts stirring at 5...if he goes to bed at 8, he doesn't wake up until 6-7. At this point, 7:30 seems to be his ideal bedtime - he will sleep until close to 7.
We had problems with Law getting up at 6am and here are a few things we found:
-The less sleep he got, the earlier he got up. It was a cycle. It still works this way. We tried to keep him from napping but that made it worse. Now, if he jacks around at night and goes to sleep late, he gets up really early and then fights his nap. But, if he sleeps consistently well, he sleeps better at night, later in the morning and takes a decent nap.
-We got one of the "Teach Me Time" clocks and he got rewards if he stayed in his bed until the light went on or privileges taken if he didn't. The boys share a room, so it was really important that Law sleep better because he was waking his brother up and he REALLY needs his sleep.
-He's allowed to look at books in his bed quietly if he can't fall back to sleep.
He's now sleeping until 7:30 most mornings. Sometimes closer to 8. We're all much happier people.
Here are some things I might try if I were you:
-Gate his door.
-Figure out something he really likes and keep it from him if he doesn't stay in his bed and reward him if he does. Does he still like to wear boots all the time? Don't let him if he gets out of bed too early. Whatever. We gave Law stars on the fridge if he stayed in his bed and he earned surprises.
-Try giving him a nap if he isn't anymore. Or try putting him down earlier. It might take a few days to get him into a good routine and to see effects. More sleep often = more sleep even though it's counter-intuitive.
-If he really just won't sleep in, no matter what, maybe get a portable DVD player if he likes movies? And only let him have it in his bed in the mornings. That way you can get some better uninterrupted sleep.
((hugs)) I'd be positively losing my mind if my kid(s) was(were) getting me up at 5am.
We tell him 5 am--- it is not time to wake up. He ends up laying on a pallet at the end of our bed until about 545 when it is light out (in our room). Hard to convince him to go to bed when it is light out?
Gate-- we used to do this when we lived in my old house. However, the doors are not plumb in this house, so the gate doesn't work. Besides, he is FOUR he will push the damn thing over!
I just needed to vent this morning.
I remember my mom doing this with one of my brothers. He'd get up at 6am every day in the summer and on weekends year round. Could never get him out of bed for school, though.
This is frickin' hilarious, by the way. You seriously need to write a book--"Thing My Son Says at the Crack of Dawn." I'd buy it.