Pregnant after 35

Penta Screen - a wwyd question

I'm 20 weeks along right now.  My OB and I have a disagreement with how far along I am.  All the sono a/s and the docs overseeing them agree with me.  I know the OB says they go by cervix...but honestly, I did not have regular cycles, hadn't watched them in a while and was forced to guess my LMC wasn't until I came home, really looked at the calendar, etc.  that I decided how far along I thought I was...he won't change it because it's only 2 weeks difference.  (He believes we're due in mid-December, all a/s and sonos have put me more at Dec 30, which frankly agrees with my recollections.)  The only reason this makes me nervous is because in my state it is very difficult to successfully have a VBAC (hospitals and/or doctors are just not friendly towards it...we are #1 in the country for cesarean births).  I'm still fighting against it BUT I do know they typically plan for c-sections 2 weeks prior to due date.  If the doctor has his way, according to my calculations, it'll be not 2 weeks but nearly an entire month early...that makes me nervous.

My a/s in mid-July showed that I had very low markers for Downs.  I'm in the 1% category for risk apparently.  Because of that, I opted against my OBs desire for an amnio.  I knew I would receive bloodwork at some time that would speak to Downs specifically, and figured if that confirmed the a/s I'd be good, but if numbers were high I might reconsider.  Either way, I'll give birth so it would not affect that.

OK...July 27th I received the paperwork to take to another clinic for the bloodwork (Penta - the one for downs - and for cycstic fibrosis).  Quickly followed by car troubles, my feeling too sick to move, and a death in our family....It's now August 12th....2 weeks and change later, and I still haven't had the bloodwork.  I am going today to just stand in line without an appointment (allowed, but takes forever).

I'm reading the optimal range would have been between 15-17 weeks, but my OB didn't give me the go-ahead during those weeks, though I was asking for them.  I'm reading that the test can be done up to week 22.  

Now I'm wondering if I should just steel myself for having higher numbers because I'm outside the optimal range or if I should steel myself for too low numbers because I'm outside of optimal range (in other words, do I believe any alarms that could potentially go off). 

I'm wondering if any of you have had more detailed conversations with your OB over these blood works.   

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Re: Penta Screen - a wwyd question

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    We opted out of any additional screens or labs w/DS & plan to do the same w/this baby as well.  I don't want the extra stress or "what ifs" that can come from the high rate of false positives.

    I'd ask your doctor if it would be worthwhile doing the Penta tests at this point.  The numbers may be off due to gestational age & therefore not really of much benefit.

    As for the baby's actual age, as you get closer to your due date, the estimated weight & cervical changes may help define a time for a scheduled c/s, if that's the direction you want to go.  I haven't heard of doctors (at least around here) scheduling c/s's 2 wks prior to the due date.  They try to be a little closer to allow more time for the baby to grow.  You might want to bring up these concerns w/your OB or NP at your next visit.  HTH!

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    We opted out of any additional screens or labs w/DS & plan to do the same w/this baby as well.  I don't want the extra stress or "what ifs" that can come from the high rate of false positives.

    I'd ask your doctor if it would be worthwhile doing the Penta tests at this point.  The numbers may be off due to gestational age & therefore not really of much benefit.

    As for the baby's actual age, as you get closer to your due date, the estimated weight & cervical changes may help define a time for a scheduled c/s, if that's the direction you want to go.  I haven't heard of doctors (at least around here) scheduling c/s's 2 wks prior to the due date.  They try to be a little closer to allow more time for the baby to grow.  You might want to bring up these concerns w/your OB or NP at your next visit.  HTH!


    This. I also opted out of all extra testing with all my children as well. After seeing so many friends and family get false positives for downs I decided that I didn't need the extra stress! We would keep the baby regardless of the outcome of any and all tests anyway.

    Also, I totally agree about the due date. I might even consider changing OBs if the Dr can't see fit to listen to you when you tell him that you were wrong about the original info that you provided and change the due date especially when dealing with a c-section. GL mama! 

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