Pregnant after 35

I would really like to breath. That would be awesome.

I'm only six weeks and I don't have any MS so I probably shouldn't be complaining but I'm really tired of mouth breathing. My sinuses need to quit. This is one of the weirder pregnancy symptoms in my opinion. ugh.
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Re: I would really like to breath. That would be awesome.

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    I hear ya!  During first tri my mouth breathing was so bad that my snoring sent my husband to the guest bedroom on more the one occasion. 
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    I am still in the same boat and obviously I am much further along and but it seemed to have a moment of getting much worse. 

    I tried saline.  I tried Ayr.  I finally had to break down and take Benadryl and even that didn't help.

    I wish I could tell you it will get better but I am just not positive it does yet. 

    Hang in there.

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    I am fully addicted to Afrin at this point.

    I have chronic sinusitis and have had 2 prior sinus surgeries.  Between the pregnancy hormones causing things to swell, me not being able to take the meds I normally do, and just generally my effed up sinuses - I cannot breathe.  It's probably been my worst "pregnancy" symptom all along.  Oh what I wouldn't give for a massive dose of steroids right now!

    I'm sorry you're going through this too.  I think most women get better around second trimester and then get worse again during the third.  So hopefully you'll get some reprieve.

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    Its not nice. If my partner tried to smooch me id be gasping for air - not very romantic.

    But im breathing easier  now. so there is hope it will eventually clear.

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    Its not nice. If my partner tried to smooch me id be gasping for air - not very romantic.

    THIS! Ha ha ha! So happy that you said that! I have had to duck a few kisses because I am gasping for air! Thankfully, my husband understands!

    Actually, out of all my pregnancies, this one has been the worst for breathing through my nose. I know that it will get better. It's kinda been my mantra... second trimester, second trimester, second trimester! :) 

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