I cannot for the life of me remember when we did this with Ben. I'm pretty sure Nathan would love to have on in his, but I don't know the appropriate age
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Charlotte got one right around her first birthday. She didn't use it much at first but now she loves it. Also, I use a travel pillow I bought at BBB, it seems like the perfect size for her.
awesome! I think he'd use it right away. We co sleep a bit still and he always snuggles up on my pillow, I just didnt know when the risk of having stuff in the crib (although I've had a blanket in there for a few months so Im not sure why Im worried) went away
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Lucas will be one next weekend, & we put one in his crib a couple weeks ago. He loves it & I love going in when he's sleeping & seeing him curled up in a ball on his pillow with his butt in the air
Re: when did you intro a pillow in the crib?
DD's 1st pillow was in her big girl bed, when she turned 2 yo.
We introduced a pillow around 16 mos when he started using a stuffed animal. We started with a toddler pillow ($10ish at BRU).
We added a light weight receiving blanket ~11 mos... and then more of an actual blanket last summer when he stopped using fleece PJs. So ~21 mos.
I intro'ed a blanket at 9 months