Pregnant after 35

I hope you guys can help...

I am 31 and 25 weeks pregnant with my first child YAY!! I have had a couple scares though. My NT scan was 2.7 and they couldn't find the nasal bone. Blood work came back normal. At my A/S everything measured great but they still couldn't see the nasal bone. I was offered an amnio but I declined. I was never offered CVS. I had a fetal echo and everything was great (first ultrasound that I finally left smiling about). How important is it to find the nasal bone? The doctor said that it is normal to not find it when the mother is black but since my husband isn't black, that's why he's concerned but there's no research for my husbands culture. (He's Turkish)  I try not to think about it or worry, but I am having one of those weeks where that's not working. Any thoughts?
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Re: I hope you guys can help...

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    I think I would rest in the blood work. It might be that this baby will look more like you and not hubby.
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    I think I would rest in the blood work. It might be that this baby will look more like you and not hubby.

    This. I hope you make it through this trying time. Being pregnant is as wonderful as it is scary! 

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    I'd recommend that you take comfort in the good bloodwork results. 

    My OB's practice group considers the NT Scan so unreliable and full of false positives that it won't even give patients the scan results until the results of the second round of sequential screening bloodwork (which are much more accurate) are available, over two weeks later.  It was a little frustrating having to wait two weeks to find out something about myself that others knew, but every time I read a story like yours I'm so glad they saved me the anxiety.  I never even learned about my questionable NT results until after the bloodwork had shown that there was nothing to worry about. 

    You might not have been offered a CVS b/c you were too far along to do one. 


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    NT scans are the devil!!!! LOL I have known so many people that have had heightened risk markers, one friend had found a spot on the babies heart and off neck measurements and all things are absolutely fine.  It is so hard to not be concerned.  I hope you find some answers.  I am no Dr but in most cases things turn out to be A-OK.  Hope the same rings true for you Good Luck!

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    Thanks guys. I had my NT scan at 12 weeks so I don't know why they didn't offer a CVS. Time will only tell I suppose!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Nezi again
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