
PTing Questions

My girls are 16 months old and I had not even started to think about potty training. I figured it was something to think about more towards the age of 2 or later. So I apologize if these questions are asked all the time - I never paid much attention before! 

For months, whenever E has to poop, she will walk to one particular corner of the room, squat down and go.  Whenever we'd see her doing that, we'd know what it meant and changed her right away.  We've been trying to teach the girls the word "poo-poo", so now E has been coming up to us saying it.  When she says it, I'll check her diaper and there isn't anything in it.  But within about 5 minutes, she'll have poop.  So it's like she knows she has to go and is letting us know.

I know it seems very early, but do you think this is a sign I should get her a potty and just start trying it out?  If so, is a small potty or one of those potty rings the best way to go?  Since A is showing no signs of having any idea of when she has to go, I assume it's fine to just start with one the girls?  Also, is there any books or things you've read online that you would suggest for help?  I have no clue how to even go about this.  I'm sure I can spend some time googling, but trust the MoMs on here to give better advice :)  Thanks!

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Re: PTing Questions

  • If you think she'd be willing, I'd go for it! I'd start with a potty ring for ease, and if she resists, get the chair.  The chair might work better since you could put it in the corner where she goes to start.

    I think 1 at a time sounds easier than 2 at a time.  Maybe a little peer pressure will help.

  • If she's telling you when she has to go, I'd say you could definitely put her on the toilet when she says that!  I'd just go with a toddler seat on the main toilet... it's really gross to clean poop out of the other ones.  (Unless she seems scared of the big toilet.) 

    I always thought of PT'ing as something to think about after they turned 2, but the nurse at our girls' 18-month checkup last week told us to get some potties for the girls and look for signs of readiness.  Mary does tell us when she has to go and when she went. She also runs to the couch to get changed afterward ; )  I just started holding her on the toilet today after she told me she had to go.

    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
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  • I actually disagree with PP. I would get the seat. You can put it in her corner. Plus, she needs to be able to plant her feet while pooping, so you'll need a good stool with the potty ring if you go that route. It is true that cleaning out the little seat is gross, but IMO not any more gross then chaging diapers. I would just empty out the potty and keep a bottle of bleach and water handy in the bath tub and rinse it out in there. The little potties also have the advantage of being portable and you can put a few around the house in the places she spends a lot of time, especially until she is fully trained. Keeping the potty where she plays makes it more enticing b/c she doesn't have to fully break away from playing to go and also will be close by in case she has to go urgently.

    As for books, we just went to the book store and picked out a few they had on the shelf we thought were cute and started reading them during our normal reading times. We chose ones specific for girls. You'll see that a lot of them are gender specific, which for the purposes of potty training is a good thing IMO.

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  • Definitely get a small potty.  That way you can take it wherever you need it around the house.  Eventually you'll want a ring for your toilet as well, but I think a little potty is a must when pt'ing twins.

    There's a girl in my kids' daycare class who has been poop trained on the potty since she was about 18 months old.  It took her a lot longer to figure out when she had to pee, but still progress!  That said, keep your expectations low.  It makes things a lot easier. 

  • Thanks everyone for your replies - I appreciate it!
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